Community Blur Review and Cheat

By papabear420 — June 2, 2010
Tags: blur cheat review xbox-360

I think Blur has got to be one of the best multiplayer game out. Plus check out this quick cheat.

Hey what's up gamers it's The Bear, and before you go off on a 3 day caffeine and or drug induced binge playing the 5 new Modern Warfare map pack Resurgence, which you can download for XBox 360 June 3, 2010. Let's talk a bit about Blur.

Blur box

This game is nothing but pure fun. You know like the kind of fun you have when your in another country and you can do what ever you want because nobody knows you fun, that kind of fun. Well maybe not that fun, but if you played the beta then you already know now fun this game can be. The multiplayer is nothing but a trash talkers dream. One minute your in first place and then some 14 year old kid who didn't go to school because it's 11:45 on a Monday afternoon.  Shoots you and you end up in like 9th place out of nowhere. Your screaming at the top of your lungs at the little prick and all your neighbors hear is you yelling "screw you, you little jackass" and they think that I am yelling at my kids. I'm yelling how I'm going to blast him right in the ass with my shunt cannon (a weapon in the game) and all I have to say is that it was a long ride in the elevator that day. My kids weren't even home they were in school, where that little douch bag should have been.

Oh yea almost forgot those cheats.

Unlock the Chrome BMW
Cheat code: Highlight the BMW Concept 1 Series car within the Multiplayer Car Showroom and enter the code 'Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger.'

Fully Upgrade the Ford Bronco
Cheat code: Highlight the Ford Bronco within the Multiplayer Car Showroom and enter the code 'Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger.'

I haven't done them so I can't tell you if they work. Give em a try and get back to me.

They added some great new tracks and citys. L.A. to Spain to Tokyo. You get to drive drunk down some of the coolest road in the world. I think that's why they called it blur, because every time I play it I'm smashed. The controllers a blur the t.v. is a blur, everything.  I love this game man.  I think I have met more cool people playing  Blur than i have on any other game, ever. There's something about light hearted f bombs that brings people together. Don't get me wrong you still have to do the career to upgrade your cars and mods, but in the long run it's worth it.

So if you don't have it and you have two boxes in your hands Blur and Split Second. Take that Split Second and wipe your but with it and fling it at that 12 year old you won't get off the XBox 360 display controller and let somebody else play and buy  Blur. You won't regret it, and if you do well "Im sorry, my bad".


Blur Gouki Box Art

5 Stories

Release Date: May 25, 2010

Buy it! 35% - Rent it! 60% - Flush it! 5%

Getting railed by the Barge in the ass at the last second is not fun either Jimmy!

goukijones rated Blur Rent it
Jun 4, 2010 by goukijones


The cheats work i've tried them online.

I gotta agree with Goukijones, Getting bombed last second and losing it all blows.

Cinderkin rated Blur Rent it
Jun 12, 2010 by Cinderkin


Yeah this game gets me easily pissed off.

pwny rated Blur Buy it
Oct 16, 2010 by pwny


ford bronco = way to go

iorilamia rated Blur Rent it
Dec 8, 2010 by iorilamia

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