Borderlands 2 gets 2 collectors editions and a bazillion skins

By BatRastered — April 9, 2012
Tags: borderlands-2 gearbox-software news pax-east

News from Gearbox's PAX East panel! Lots of new Borderlands 2 info!

Borderlands 2 will feature 2 collector's editions, one priced at $99 will feature a Marcus bobble-head statue, the other is the "Ultimate Loot Chest Edition"  for $149 and will come in a red loot chest! No word on what other goodies await inside as of yet. Check it out:

Fans who played BL1 (and have a save game on their HDD) will get some special customized character skins unlocked. There will be bazillions of skins even without that though... Here are the skins they showed at the panel:

Borderlands 2 Skins

and more...

More BL2 skins

Gearbox also announced a fifth player class the "Mechromancer" to be available as DLC about 60-90 days after release. Better yet, this DLC is free to all who pre-order! Here's some pics of the Mechromancer and her pet D347-TP (Death-Trap)

Mechromancer BL2

Death Trap

Death Trap

Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Sep 18, 2012

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[UPDATED] Apr 9, 2012 2:21:17 PM

Apr 9, 2012 by goukijones

Pre-order now ya Jimmy!

Borderlands 2 includes a $10 credit. Access to a 5th playable character class.

Also: The Borderlands 2 Premiere Club, which includes a Golden Key, Vault Hunter's Relic, and Gearbox Gunpack. 


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