Borderlands: Zombie Island of Dr Ned Review

By BatRastered — November 27, 2009
Tags: borderlands dlc expansion review

Zombies and an additional 7 hours of gameplay for 10 bucks. Braaaaaaaaaaaains!

Borderlands may have been the surprise hit of the year in 2009. While I'm not a fan of paying for DLC so close to the release of a game, I can say that an extra 7 hours of play (co-op no less) for 10 bucks actually represents a pretty solid value these days.

There are new enemies to fight (zombies), though the main difference between them and the human raiders from the main game is that the zombies have no shields and tend to attack in swarms. (This make fire and blast elemental weapons particularly effective.) There are a few other new creatures such as the wereskags and some bat like creatures that take place of the flying rakk.

The new area (Jakob's Cove) is quite large, so much so that it was a bit dissapointing that you couldn't fast travel between the new areas that were in it. It doesn't appear that any new weapons or weapon types were added for this expansion (at least we didn't come accross any).

The humor from the main game is here, and is even turned up a notch with some laugh out loud moments when coming accross some of the characters.

If you enjoyed playing through the original quests, you should definitely pick this up, with the same caveat I'd give the full game; it's much more fun to play co-op online than alone.

Verdict: Buy it (or should I say, download it).

$49.99! Borderlands W/Free Shipping


Borderlands Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

37 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 20, 2009

Buy it! 82% - Rent it! 18% - Flush it! 0%

This game is fun. I recommend having at least one friend(in real life and to play Borderlands.) This gets crazy with four people and that's where the true fun is. Dr. Ned's ad on is great. I got my $10 worth. Now it's time to play through it again with the lvl 50's!

goukijones rated Borderlands Buy it
Nov 28, 2009 by goukijones


borderlands has one of the most gigantic dlcs and they really make it worthwhile, gonna grab some msp

SonicZero rated Borderlands Buy it
Jan 27, 2011 by SonicZero


And the dlc is included in the goty, sounds like lots of gameplay for not a lot of cash, thanks.

DragonKiss83 rated Borderlands Buy it
Feb 27, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Played through Dr. Ned about three times

Phresh has not rated Borderlands yet.
May 15, 2011 by Phresh


This is a great DLC expansion to the game. But I think every game would benefit from some Zombie DLC.

DragonKiss83 rated Borderlands Buy it
May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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