Community Bulletstorm as a regular Military Shooter
By iorilamia —
February 15, 2011
"Arcade" a Swedish game designer working on Bulletstorm is a little ticked at how people think they won't like bulletstorm because its not a run of the mill military shooter. Check his video and blog reponse
video uploaded by
Part of Arcade's post from PeopleCanFly blog
-Prefer using automatic rifles and other “realistic” stuff? Then stick to the PMC and the Screamer.
Want to duck behind cover, stand up and pop a few shots in the head of an enemy? Then be my guest, we have plenty of cover in Bulletstorm. The enemies use them, and so should you. Do you feel that the Leash and the Kick detracts from your ideal FPS experience? Then don’t use them. We don’t force you to. They’re just extra tools of destruction if you chose to use them. Do you feel that the Skillshot-system seems too overwhelming and doesn’t sit well with you? Then you can just go into the Options, turn off the Skillshot HUD and don’t pay attention to it. In a way, this makes for an even more visceral experience.- Source (for the full blog on what he thinks) Bulletstorm is meant to be ridiculously epic. But I do rememebr as a child being addicted to Tony Hawks Pro Skater, I would get bored at how ridiculous it got, and I would purposely try to do more realistic stuff. It's awesome that BStorm can go both ways, but I'm definately playing it as ridiculous as possible :D How about you guys? After you beat it or whatever, would you change your gameplay for more difficulty? ( If ur interested in pre-ordering )
Release Date:
Feb 22, 2011