Community Bungie...... the Reach beta really pisses me off!

By de bad shot — May 14, 2010
Tags: beta review xbox-360-exclusive

oops they did it again

    These guys. well the last part of the great halo beta is out and what do i think? In short "FUCK". These nub farms, they manage to really disappoint me on the great things i was reading about before the beta started. Don't get me wrong i like the beta BUT these new modes suck balls. Invasion is fun, for a while but the main reason i play halo was to play with my buddies, not some random fucks who annoy me and piss me off. Now bungie has managed to make it impossible to play this shit with your buddies. When you do try to rock this shit it splits you all up pretty much ruining the whole reason to play it.

    Now to get to the new shit bungie dropped out their ass today, Generator Defense. What a load of shit this it. In the great wisdom of bungie they decided to make it a game of 3 vs 3 and not 4 vs 4 or even more which would of been way better. Now this was not my biggest complaint, just a annoyance of mine. THIS is the number one bull shit in my books. this fucking beta has 2 days left and that doesn't even work. They don't even have this shit named generator defense on the play list. Instead they named it "NETWORK TEST" which is exactly what it sounds like. You get in a game then you cant even play. Every thing you do suffers from a delay. Its like playing xbox live on your good old dial up router.

   In short this beta is fucked. i have done much beta work over the years and this is by far the largest beta i have seen yet in the shortest time frame. A good example of how to do a beta is starcraft 2. These jimmys have had that out for about two months and they have re-balanced just about everything in the game. Tons of patches and tons of actual problem solving. Bungie fucked up big. long story short.

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

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