Community Call of Duty Elite Closed Beta Test Starting Soon

By Phresh — June 10, 2011
Tags: beta call-of-duty news

Here's your chance to try out the Call of Duty Elite service first

You might need to set up an account at and hope for the e-mail saying you've been invited. This was how most of us got into the beta for World at War.

The e-mail says you can connect with other people who play CoD, test your skills in tournaments and events that award virtual and real prizes, and access personal stats and strategic info to up your game skills. Basically, it's going to be Halo Waypoint for Call of Duty. I didn't really use Waypoint so I didn't think it was popular enough to copy.

Here's a link to the sign-up page so you might be able to bypass registering completely.


I did this a few days ago, still haven't heard anything back yet. If I get in on it cool, if not no big deal.

Jun 10, 2011 by DragonKiss83


I used waypoint to get some armor upgrades unlocked in Reach. They don't matter, but hey, it was free.

Jun 11, 2011 by BatRastered


Thanks for the heads up bro I signed up already tho lol:)

Jun 18, 2011 by kof2012

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