Choke Chat: Drawing to win bottle service at Insert Coins

By goukijones — February 2, 2011
Tags: choke-chat drawing insert-coins news survey

Speaking with Choke this morning he tipped me off about a survey to win bottle service at soon-to-open Downtown bar/arcade Insert Coins in Las Vegas. Choke didn't really want to share the info with us ... Check out the chat log. Don't be a Choke.

Choke Chat - Insert Coins secret bottle service contest.

1:29 PM
Choke: did you see that contest/survey thing from insert coins? on facebook?

1:30 PM
goukijones: Negative. post a story about. wink face

Choke: I dont have time. lol

goukijones: heard

Choke: plus I dont want fuckers entering it. I want to win it

goukijones: sounds like you

1:31 PM
Choke: there's only been like 20 entries. odds are good. it takes 2 seconds
Enter Now!

1:32 PM
Choke: oh maybe there have been more entries than I thought. when I did it earlier I swore it showed me the results thus far and it seemed like hardly anyone had done it

If you're a Las Vegas local and love video games and alcohol, like me. How about a night of free bottle service and PWNn. Check out the sruvey above, thanks to @Choke for hooking up all of the users with this link.

For more information on just what exactly an Insert Coins is check out: Insert Coin(s) Las Vegas Arcade Coming Soon!

grey walrus

If only I was 21 and lived near vegas.

Feb 2, 2011 by grey walrus


Wow they are really trying to get this place going. Do they allow video cameras inside?

Feb 2, 2011 by iorilamia


I'll be straight up. Fuck all of ya'll.

Feb 2, 2011 by choke


I entering. Thanks Choke! I hope I win and you don't.

Feb 2, 2011 by Cinderkin


"Anything Else You Wanna Tell Us?" is number 1 in the world.

Feb 2, 2011 by Cinderkin


i live no where near las vegas or am i the age

Feb 2, 2011 by SonicZero


only in vegas huh why not in california

Feb 2, 2011 by kof2012


doesnt the state of nevada have laws against getting shit faced and playing street fighter 4 or super street fighter

Feb 2, 2011 by kof2012


happens all the time at EVO

Feb 3, 2011 by shenwoopunch


@kof2012 "doesnt the state of nevada have laws against getting shit faced and playing street fighter 4 or super street fighter"

Uh, no, otherwise I'd never be able to play it.

Feb 3, 2011 by choke

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