Community Chrono Trigger prepares to hit Virtual Consoles

By DragonKiss83 — May 2, 2011
Tags: chrono-trigger news ps3 psp wii

16 years ago we had our first chance to play, and we've had a few chances since then. Here comes another.

In 1995 a legend was born.  Six years later in 2001 the game joined Final Fantasy IV as Final Fantasy Chronicles on the PSX.  And again in 2009 on the DS.  There have been millions of copys sold, but the game continues to do well.  Some of the people that will pick it up this time around weren't even born when the game first came over to the U.S.  Who doesn't remember the first time the watched Chrono from over head as he made his way towards enemies as you jump through time.  Or the first time you watched Cyclone and Flame Toss combine into Flame Whirl.  And with 13 possible endings players dumped countless hours into the game.  We also got  started with the game plus feature, that RPG fans everywhere still look for when the get a new game.  

As a game that defines what RPG means to many life long players Chrono Trigger shows no sign of going away.  How many of you own a copy of the game in any of it's forms?  Planning on getting it again?  Anyone want to see another sequel made?

They haven't mentioned a release date yet.  But the ESRB has rated it.  Looks like the ratings boards are tipping us of early on a lot of games now.  Maybe these companies need to start talking to the public a little sooner.



Well what's the release date Jimmy? Is it coming out on the virtual console or not? Then you should post a date and add news to the tags.

May 2, 2011 by goukijones


The only date I've seen was a Spring 2011 for the Japanese cell phone market. Details were expected at Squeenix's Jump Festa 2011 and there is a link to a Japanese site but unfortunately i can't read it.

There was a Mario teaches typing game and typing of the dead, how about one that teaches us how to read japanese.

May 2, 2011 by DragonKiss83


I remember playing this game a LONG time ago. I'm always hard up for an adventure, if it's 800 points or $10 for you PSN Jimmys, hell if PSN is even back up by then ... wait what was I saying. Yeah, I'd try and play this again.

May 2, 2011 by goukijones


$10? Prime. ;)

May 2, 2011 by iorilamia


Chrono Cross > Chrono Trigger. I'm about to get flamed hardcore.

May 3, 2011 by Cinderkin


I'm going to buy this again, and again, and again, again. I already have the ps1 chronicles ver., while I'll eventually get the DS ver. for the road, and when this comes on the Virtual Console, I'll be willing to get this as well.

May 4, 2011 by Arthvader


Monday May 16th it will be on the Wii.

May 12, 2011 by DragonKiss83


i was trying to play this back in the 90's to lol or to not lol meh its not funny but seriuosly chrono trigger awsome rpg

May 17, 2011 by kof2012

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