Community CoD: Black Ops Too Violent

By akskiller — October 22, 2010
Tags: call-of-duty-black-ops treyarch violence

New facial animation = Toned down violence

In todays world, people want realism in their games, and scream when the game is not real enough. Well Treyarch was going to deliver, it was so real in fact that they had to tone down the violence in Call of Duty: Black Ops. The game uses a new facial animation capture system. It was so life-like that Treyarch toned down the violence for some kills.

"Some of the stuff we’ve done with Gary Oldman’s character is amazing. There were situations going too far. It was a a contextual kill where you were twisting the neck. It was too much. The throat cutting [is] nasty, but that was worse"

What do you think? I think it seems right for a developer to town  down something that could hurt them in the long run



Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty Black Ops Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Nov 9, 2010

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