Daigo Umehara Clutch Finals Play at TOPANGA Japan Charity Event

By Cinderkin — April 23, 2011
Tags: charity daigo-umehara japan ssf4-ae ssfiv-ae super-street-fighter-iv-arcade-edition topanga tournament

Daigo "The Beast" Umehara (Yun) was at the 5 on 5 SSF4 AE TOPANGA Japan Relief Charity Event. He was on Team Topanga with Mago (Fei Long), Tokido (Akuma), Bonchan (Sagat), and Nyanshi (Sagat). Check out the last 3 matches of the Finals. Clutch!

Team Topanga had so many good players that Daigo barely played, I didn't even get to see him play until the Finals. So when Shiro (Makoto) dominated the rest of Team Topanga, I was excited to see the Beast come out. With Daigo as the last hope for the team. Watch his amazing clutch play with Yun.

To check out the rest of this tourney check out Ov3rheadGreg Youtube channel.

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