Darksiders review
By goukijones —
January 26, 2010
A brilliant and classy blend of different adventure games. Excellent level design and a story that keeps you watching every cut scene. Lacked in graphics and replay ability, but that shouldn't stop you from giving this game a once over.
I was right around 20 hours of game play in Darksiders when I finally beat it. I did near the end go back through a few levels to see if I could get any items I missed. The back drop for the game is post apocalyptic. Where the cop cars are the hardest cars to destroy as you adventure in the world like a Zelda/Metroid style game. You can lock onto enemies, use your "boomerang type weapon" to hit switches on the other side of the room. Grapple hook and swing across giant gaps. And even double jump and glide down like you had a "rocket pack type" hang glide ability. This type of adventuring is fun and is a good style for this game.
The combat was my favorite part of course. You could lock onto a specific target and toggle through multiple enemies. You could also fight the entire room by running around and using different magic and stuff. You get a ton of weapon options which can instantly be swapped out during combat for some amazing super high combos. The combat sometimes felt like the fighting in Batman Arkham Asylum, but with more control. Fighting while on the horse always felt like a great showdown and was one of my favorite things in the game. Unfortunately for all the combat it just seemed to be not enough.
The graphics needed a lot of work, Darksiders seemed super rushed when it came to the graphics or maybe just under developed. I have never seen frame rate issues and screen lag this bad in my life. So bad at times it looked as if you were underwater. The screen had sort a weird shaky wave to it. The lines on the characters were just off and never looked right. The cut scenes were much cleaner and the excellent voice acting keeps you watching the cinemas. Overall not bad graphics at all, but just not polished properly.
This game is definitely a rent. A long play through could last you up to 25 hours. Experienced gamers could probably beat it 10-12 hours. I'm telling you to play it though, I loved it and the sequel looks promising. Jimmy!
Darksiders for PS3 as low as $27.99 free shipping
Darksiders for Xbox 360 as low as $26.00 free shipping
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Jan 5, 2010