Darkstalkers Resurrection Super Violent Trailer

By goukijones — March 11, 2013
Tags: blog

Well the end really ... Demitri just kills some random chick or something. SUCKS the life right out of her.

I love all of these characters. Well not the wolf. Fuck the wolf!

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Good ish. I've never actually played these games against other people.

Mar 11, 2013 by core


Anyone gunna buy this? I don't remember this game ever being big in the U.S.

Mar 11, 2013 by kuroukage


I can't wait to get this game when it comes out. I'll be working up a storm in using both B.B. Hood, and Hisen-ko the most.

and Goukijones, the chick that Demitri sucked the life out of was B.B.Hood, I believe. yeah, When Demitri does his Sweet Bliss super, if done to a male character, it'll change them into a female for the move, while if done on a female, it pretty much changes them into a loli.

Mar 11, 2013 by Arthvader


STFU Arthvader.

Don't buy anything until you buy the Halo 4 Map Pass.

I might ask them to send me a code.

Mar 11, 2013 by goukijones


I really hope this game has some legs online.

Mar 15, 2013 by derkasan

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