Community Dead Or Alive Dimensions (an opinion)

By MilkyPink — February 4, 2011
Tags: blog dead-or-alive doa team-ninja tecmo

My own opinion of Dead Or Alive Dimensions, what I believe Team Ninja could be doing for the audiences.

For those of you who are fans of the fighting game: Dead Or Alive, I am positively sure you are aware of Tecmo Team Ninja working on their next installment: Dead Or Alive Dimensions just exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS. I am here to tell you what I believe the cut scenes seem to depict just by looking at the trailer. You can correct me if I am terribly wrong! But these are just simple guesses. Of course as I saw the detailed trailer for the very first time after it was just released & announced by this forum website, it's come to my attention that the story will definitely focus on Kasumi, Ayane, Hayate and their exiled relative Raidou. Rumors have it that people have been saying  & I don't know if it was Yosuke Hayashi, the lead of Team Ninja that has said this, but, the newest Dead Or Alive installment will be a review of the entire Dead Or Alive series. Meaning, it will be composed of Dead Or Alive 1, Dead Or Alive 2, Dead Or Alive 3 & Dead Or Alive 4. So technically speaking, Dead Or Alive Dimensions may or may not be a side-chapter.

This could be really good for those who are not familiar with the Dead Or Alive franchise. A possible good introduction to the game and perhaps motivate the new players to get into the storyline. It's always good to know that Yosuke Hayashi is doing what he can to promote the game by having it on another console, a portable console rather. If the Dead Or Alive franchise reaches to a popular like Street Fighter & Tekken, then I do believe this newer installment will be a success. At least, Yosuke Hayashi will be making a dream come true for all fighting game lovers, something Tomonobu Itagaki would have done (before he left Tecmo). My support goes out to Tecmo Team Ninja, I hope this game will not be a disappointment and will be a success in promotion.

Story written by MilkyPink


A gif I made in Photoshop CS5 featuring Kasumi from the upcoming first handheld console game "Dead Or Alive Dimensions."

Note: GIF made for my Tumblr website:


Thanks for posting.

Never been too much a DOA fan. Other than watching the girls in the bikinis.

I can't wait to see what this 3DS does. I hope it's super successful. I still believe the 3DS is like how all of our TV's are going to be in the future.

Feb 4, 2011 by goukijones


I most certainly agree! And you are most welcome. :)

Feb 4, 2011 by MilkyPink


The 3ds version looks like it has extra scenes that were cut from DOA4.

Feb 4, 2011 by shenwoopunch


There are newer scenes in it.

Feb 4, 2011 by MilkyPink


It doesn't sound like an installment to me. Sounds more like a recap since they haven't made a new DoA for such a long time. I personally am not familiar with the game series but there is a good chance I might be getting this. Due to me being a fan of fighting games in general. I hope the controls aren't that bad... hate using handhelds for fighters.

Feb 4, 2011 by LegendaryLonewolf


o__o Terry? YOU JOINED! XD

Feb 4, 2011 by MilkyPink


Well, of course. xD

Feb 4, 2011 by LegendaryLonewolf



Feb 4, 2011 by iorilamia


We all do. >___<

Feb 4, 2011 by MilkyPink


I tried to get into DOA but it didn't work out to well.

Feb 5, 2011 by ariscool24


Aw... how come? :(

Feb 5, 2011 by MilkyPink


I used to play the crap out of DoA. 2 is still my favorite. Loved 4 though. I was really hoping for DoA 5 for the 360, but I guess the 3DS will be cool.

Feb 5, 2011 by Cinderkin


Well I know I fell out of it because around the age of 15 I disliked 3d fighters out of nowhere and only played 2d since then. but....all this stuff coming out on 3DS looks too good and so damn fun, I'd even go back to DoA, but the $...don't have the $$$$$!

Feb 5, 2011 by iorilamia


i love doa the hit sparks are what get me into the game it also makes me focus on the combos better look at the pretty colors that are possibly going to give me epilepsy attacks not but on a serious note i think that dead or alive on the 3ds is going to be a big hit in the usa and in eourope

Feb 5, 2011 by kof2012

de bad shot

DOA 3 was the first game i got with xbox

Feb 6, 2011 by de bad shot


big tits?

Feb 7, 2011 by SonicZero

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