Dead Space 2 scared the shit out of the guy next to me
By goukijones —
June 29, 2010
The games looks cool and ask the guy that sat next to me about how scary it is.
This is survival horror game. I don't want to make an ass out of myself, but I assume every person sitting in the room watching the Dead Space 2 E3 2010 gameplay demo is aware that this is a survival horror game. The game starts out in space, a huge desolate space station or something. Anyway the space station has church and that's where the demo starts out. The guy walks around a couple of creepy corners, a few small things jump out and of course -- he destroys them. God mode heard. He can fire out some stasis blast that freezes the enemies where ever they are on screen. Only one enemy at a time though, because later on the developer freezes one enemy while another runs around him at full speed. While the enemy is frozen, he shoots off one of the spiky elbow blades from the enemy, grabs it in mid air with the stasis thingy and shoots it back at the enemy. This is a cool idea and it's a way to save ammo. Another gun that was shown was the javelin gun, same thing as the rail gun in Bioshock 2. The javelin gun will carry the enemies into a wall and pin them there. Cool again, but I've seen that before.
The developer slowly walks into the main room of the church, it's very quiet, it's very dark, he looks around cautiously and then a FRICKIN' HUGE MONSTER comes crashing throw the glass ceiling and ... The guy next to me in a suit and tie jumps out of seat and almost falls to the floor. I thought the man was going to shit his pants. I didn't move. I wanted to laugh at him, but I didn't. This Jimmy must never before been hads seen a survival horror game, because the entire time I was ready for the scare.
You can see a lot of what I describe in this video from EA.
Some of the puzzles in Dead Space 2 revolve around zero gravity. While in zero gravity you can fly around with what looked like complete control. All the effects during any mode of the game looked really cool. There are different suits you can upgrade into, we only saw two suits. The demo was short less that 20 mins or so, most of it can be seen in the hilarious EA press conference from E3 2010. There is a lot of slow walking in the game, you have been warned.
This game looks awesome without a doubt. I never played the first one even though Gorilla WarBear told me it was amazing. I will be playing Dead Space 2 for sure and I'm gonna look into playing Dead Space before the release of Dead Space 2. Jimmy!
Release Date:
Jan 25, 2011