Deals Jimmy! Biggest release day of the year. 11-15-11

By goukijones — November 11, 2011
Tags: deals-jimmy

It is the biggest. There are 5 major titles coming out on Tuesday. Are you ready? Is your real life credit supply sufficient? Buying at least 3 of these? Oh 1? Jesus all 5? Why, NFSTR? Seriously. Gears 3 $49.99?! UC3 $51.99! Batman $51.99! #dealsjimmy

The Skyrim is on the way to the house as we speak Jimmy. So my back will be up against the wall with this one. Let's follow my order from the previous Deal Jimmy story.

#1 - Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3

Number 1 on my list. It's only $39.99 it's going to be an entirely new game. Team Coon FTW. Maybe I shouldn't have typed that, but I'm not the first person to say it.

The PricePWNr alleges you can save 2.1% on UMvC3 right now.

Amazon includes an exclusive costume pack & $0.99 Release Day Delivery.

GameStop has an exclusive costume pack as well.

Alert! giving away 5 copies of UMvC3


#2 - Assassin's Creed Revelations

I don't care about the bonuses or the storyline. I'm interesting in this game for the multiplayer. I haven't ordered it yet. I'm probably going to order ACR with HALO CE.

Exclusive Offers.

Amazon has a skin, a digital soundtrack and some 3D glasses for PWNn ACR in 3Dizzle on MOST 2D TV's.

Assassin's Creed Revalations

Gamestop Signature Edition


  1. A Bonus Single player Gameplay Mission
  2. An Exclusive Multiplayer Character
  3. 3 Weapon Capacity Upgrades
  4. An Animated Short Film
  5. Pre-order Assassins Creed Revelations with GameStop and receive  a free upgrade to the Signature Edition!

Signature Edition Contents

  1. A Bonus Single player Gameplay Mission
  2. An Exclusive Multiplayer Character
  3. 3 Weapon Capacity Upgrades
  4. An Animated Short Film
  5. The "Assassin's Creed Revelations" Original Game Score Soundtrack

ACR on


#3 - Halo CE Anniversary

Well yeah. I just found out yesterday that Headlong from Halo 2 is one of the maps for the new Reach expansion. Also there is one from the PC I believe, it looks dope and I've never seen it before. Plus co-op through the campaign online sounds like a good time.

You also get this Avatar item

 & a Skull 

The Halo Franchise is the new COD. Sorry Jimmys, but the over saturation is about to run wild on you.

#4 - Saint's Row: The Nubfarm

The only thing here is that I've never really played any of these games and I'd give this a try. But right now, I'm not paying for it. The standard edition comes with a $10 coupon on Amazon.

This game has a ridiculous collector's edition that comes with some Jimmy as headphones. *NOTE they do not work with your Xbox 360. They're just headphones.

Collector's Edition

Oh and you get Professor Genki bonus!

#5 - Need for Speed The Run. lol. Its cars. Its runnin'. 

Limited Edition too! Which means it just comes with a bunch of stuff that will cost extra if you don't pre-order. Vintage EA. Amazon throws in an assist with a $10 coupon. Plus ...

Amazon exclusive.

Gamestop has bonus cars! And an exclusive challenge pack.

I still say Modern Warfare 3 is for girls. Bonus deals time!!!

Alert! Gears of War 3 for $49.99

Uncharted 3 $51.99

Batman: Arkham City $51.99

Door bell! Just in time too. Thanks for reading Jimmys. If you have any deals of you own leave me a tip in the comments below. Vote, comment and share. Don't be a Jimmy!

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Gouki Box Art

69 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 15, 2011

Buy it! 64% - Rent it! 29% - Flush it! 7%

I wonder why Amazon hates PC gamers and won't give them the same $10 credit deals they give to the PS3/360 versions.

jalexbrown rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Nov 11, 2011 by jalexbrown


I got my copy of UMVC3 just a few days ago and I'm loving it. I still suck at it, but it's fun anyway.

dragonkiss83 rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Nov 20, 2011 by dragonkiss83



kof2012 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Dec 21, 2011 by kof2012

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