Win 1 of 5 Copies of Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3. Free Giveaway

By goukijones — October 23, 2011
Tags: freeish giveaway

Publicity Stunt: Leave a comment to win UMvC3. We're giving away 5 copies, your system choice. Check out, check out what we do and what we're about and win a copy of Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 the day it comes out. #dontbeajimmy

Special thanks to Capcom for releasing 2 Marvel VS Capcom video games in the same year. Early this year we gave away - Marvel VS Capcom 3 Special Edition Ultra Combo Giveaway 
So we figure what do you want more than anything else, when we do these giveaways and we think it's all about the games. That's why we're going to giveaway 5 copies of Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 to anyone that gives us a shout out on any of our media outlets. Here are the different ways you can enter.

  1. The easiest way to enter is to leave a comment on this story. A funny or interesting comment will have the best chance. 
  2. Follow @goukinews & RT this message: #Gouki Publicity Stunt. They're giving away 5 copies of Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 follow @goukinews and RT this message
  3. Like on Facebook and Post/Write something on the wall in regards to this Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 giveaway on
  4. Subscribe & Post a comment to the Official YouTube Channel in regards to this Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 Giveaway on
  5. Write a story on The best way to help support us is to write a story about your favorite video game. Your story can be about any video game topic you wish. To qualify write a Blog, Review, Preview and/or News. Fiction & Non-fiction highly encouraged.

Deadline to enter is Novermber 14, 2011. 8AM PST.

Winners will be announced on November 14, 2011, via direct message from whichever outlet you win from. The faster you respond to the message, the faster we will ship out the game to you. *US Only

This is a giveaway and reserves all rights. Rules & prizes subject to change at anytime. Anybody abusing anything on will be banned immediately. We run a fair and legitimate operation here. Don't be a Jimmy. Thanks for playing.

We’re serious about our giveaways and always try to do them bigger and better. Check out our previous contests and giveaways.


Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Gouki Box Art

69 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 15, 2011

Buy it! 64% - Rent it! 29% - Flush it! 7%

[UPDATED] Oct 24, 2011 8:28:49 PM

Oct 24, 2011 by goukijones

Special thanks to Capcom for the shout out from @Capcom_Unity on the Twitter.!/Capcom_Unity/status/128603078025940993


[UPDATED] Nov 13, 2011 11:52:33 AM

Nov 13, 2011 by goukijones

Deadline Extended - November 14, 2011 8AM  PST

Bonus Round!

If this story gets over 5000 views before the deadline I will double the prizes and giveaway 6 copies to random Jimmys who leave a comment on this story. So help us out and help out the community, share this story and let them know. Number 1 in the World.


[UPDATED] Nov 14, 2011 10:54:56 AM

Nov 14, 2011 by goukijones

The winners have been selected.

Facebook: Victor Ramirez
YouTube: squallz3r0
Twitter: @Ophelikios
Comment: sNsKid
Story: AnthonyOgborn

Check your email or your message system on which site you won, for instructions on how to claim your prize.


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