Win 1 of 5 Copies of Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3. Free Giveaway

By goukijones — October 23, 2011
Tags: freeish giveaway

Publicity Stunt: Leave a comment to win UMvC3. We're giving away 5 copies, your system choice. Check out, check out what we do and what we're about and win a copy of Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 the day it comes out. #dontbeajimmy

Special thanks to Capcom for releasing 2 Marvel VS Capcom video games in the same year. Early this year we gave away - Marvel VS Capcom 3 Special Edition Ultra Combo Giveaway 
So we figure what do you want more than anything else, when we do these giveaways and we think it's all about the games. That's why we're going to giveaway 5 copies of Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 to anyone that gives us a shout out on any of our media outlets. Here are the different ways you can enter.

  1. The easiest way to enter is to leave a comment on this story. A funny or interesting comment will have the best chance. 
  2. Follow @goukinews & RT this message: #Gouki Publicity Stunt. They're giving away 5 copies of Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 follow @goukinews and RT this message
  3. Like on Facebook and Post/Write something on the wall in regards to this Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 giveaway on
  4. Subscribe & Post a comment to the Official YouTube Channel in regards to this Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 Giveaway on
  5. Write a story on The best way to help support us is to write a story about your favorite video game. Your story can be about any video game topic you wish. To qualify write a Blog, Review, Preview and/or News. Fiction & Non-fiction highly encouraged.

Deadline to enter is Novermber 14, 2011. 8AM PST.

Winners will be announced on November 14, 2011, via direct message from whichever outlet you win from. The faster you respond to the message, the faster we will ship out the game to you. *US Only

This is a giveaway and reserves all rights. Rules & prizes subject to change at anytime. Anybody abusing anything on will be banned immediately. We run a fair and legitimate operation here. Don't be a Jimmy. Thanks for playing.

We’re serious about our giveaways and always try to do them bigger and better. Check out our previous contests and giveaways.


Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Gouki Box Art

69 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 15, 2011

Buy it! 64% - Rent it! 29% - Flush it! 7%

[UPDATED] Oct 24, 2011 8:28:49 PM

Oct 24, 2011 by goukijones

Special thanks to Capcom for the shout out from @Capcom_Unity on the Twitter.!/Capcom_Unity/status/128603078025940993


[UPDATED] Nov 13, 2011 11:52:33 AM

Nov 13, 2011 by goukijones

Deadline Extended - November 14, 2011 8AM  PST

Bonus Round!

If this story gets over 5000 views before the deadline I will double the prizes and giveaway 6 copies to random Jimmys who leave a comment on this story. So help us out and help out the community, share this story and let them know. Number 1 in the World.


[UPDATED] Nov 14, 2011 10:54:56 AM

Nov 14, 2011 by goukijones

The winners have been selected.

Facebook: Victor Ramirez
YouTube: squallz3r0
Twitter: @Ophelikios
Comment: sNsKid
Story: AnthonyOgborn

Check your email or your message system on which site you won, for instructions on how to claim your prize.


Good luck to anyone that enters. Not a big fighting game fan but will spread the word on this giveaway.

akskiller has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 23, 2011 by akskiller


Oh man! I can't wait for all the new unseen adjustments Capcom has made to the game. As a fan of card games. I'm loving the latest new mode they revealed. I'm also super excited to see this game at the next Seasons Beatings.

noir0083 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 23, 2011 by noir0083


I'm way too excited about this game, I told this story a million times but here is to the people who haven't heard it. Ok, this was around the time when MvC3 was announcing the characters. Everyday I'm checking youtube and other places to see if any new character gameplay vid's were announced. So I see the video of she-hulk and Zero, she-hulk didn't impress me much but when I saw Zero. I was so awe struck, I was jumping up and down screaming in excitement. So as soon as the video was over, I run out of my room and start doing pull-ups from my iron gym and was still yelling because of how excited I was for Zero being announced and how good he looked to play. So imagine a skinny kid doing 5-6 pull-ups (don't even remember the last time I even did exercise at the time, lmao) saying stuff like "F**K YEAH!! ZERO IS TOO BEAST! AHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!" and that's my story, I really do hope I can win one of those UMvC3 copies. :)

Cybuster89 rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Oct 23, 2011 by Cybuster89


Shoutouts to for a chance to win UMvC3 :) definitely gonna be salty if I don't win a copy lol

amartinez0590 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 23, 2011 by amartinez0590


Here's my wonderful Shoutout to ! It angers me when companies re-release games and add a few extra characters and maps, but dangit as a gamer and lover of fighting games (especially Comic themed & classic capcom characters) I've just gotta have it. I bought Street Fighter IV and low and behold they released an Ultimate version with more characters... Urrgghh!!

I remember logging so many hours on the first Marvel vs Capcom and even more on the 2nd. So..many..tokens/quarters spent..

However, I'll say in advance (even if I don't win) Thanks Gouki! Publicity Stunt WIN! Woo Hoo!!

Game on, gamers.

mattfowler has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 23, 2011 by mattfowler


I hope the site gets flooded over this. Great giveaway and multiple chances to win means there are going to be a lot of happy jimmy's out there. Good luck everyone.

dragonkiss83 rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Oct 23, 2011 by dragonkiss83


I'm gonna take you for a ride. Again. For the third time.

Phresh rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Oct 23, 2011 by Phresh



MessatsuRitz has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by MessatsuRitz


Hope I win, if I don't, the world will suffer! How? I will spawn 100 Justin Biebers in every continent.

TheJLC has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by TheJLC


I would greatly appreciate this fine fighting game. FINISH HI-Oh waitwronggame...

alconqueso has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by alconqueso


So this comes with all the DLC right? RIGHT?! I need me some Elvis MODOK.

wicked_decision has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by wicked_decision


This will ultimately be the most ultimate game ever (ultimate).

TheMainMan has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by TheMainMan


I would love to win this sweet game. By the way Marvel wins hands down by T.K.O.

peacekper has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by peacekper



casunshinegrl has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by casunshinegrl


Thanks for the contest guys! It's my money and I need it now!

AceSpartan has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by AceSpartan


I want it for the Xbox360, and make it snappy. 1st time posting a comment on, just barely registered and found out about this neat website. but good luck, also RT it, Peace.

bobrocx1620 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by bobrocx1620


I'm one of the few lucky people who have already played this at Eurogamer Expo in London and it is absolutely fantastic. Played with a team of Dante, Wesker and Nemesis, and although I got absolutely pummeled, I enjoyed playing it. Also met Nolan North that same weekend, who voices Deadpool in the game and he is a fantastic chap. Got him to sign 7 PS3 games (would have been 8, but forgot Marvel vs. Capcom 3 :-( ). All in all an excellent weekend involving lots of UMvC3.

supersonicsjm has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by supersonicsjm


I'm hella excited about this contest! Hopefully I win. In late August I went to the Capcom Fight Club in NY and was in line for 5+ hours. When I finally got to the Ultimate cabinet I immediately was drawn to Nemesis. Being such a huge Resident Evil fan I was so excited playing with him! Well once again, this contest is godlike and I hope I win! :)

Phoenix90 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by Phoenix90


Since your giving away 5 copies of Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3. I would like two for the playstation 3 and three for the X-box360. Haha just kidding, but one for the playstation 3 so I can enjoy playing umvc3 with friends who only got ps3.

Stroman has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by Stroman


Super hyped for this, despite the fact that I STILL wont be able to recreate my main MvC2 team of Tron, Morrigan, and Sakura. Ah well, there's always DLC.

SuperComboGuru has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by SuperComboGuru


Say what? Did somebody say UMvC3? Is it my birthday again? C'mon somebody has to be pulling my leg, right? I say bring it on, my team of Nova, Vergil, and Ironfist, I think will do a nice job of smashing the Computer on Very Easy diffficulty. Yeah, you looking at a real killer right here, boi! Bring it! Oh yeah, check out if you want to win a copy of the game. Peace!!

cdadvance3 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by cdadvance3


Excited for Ultimate even though it was released 9 months after the original.....
still kinda salty about having a CE that doesn't mean anything since its outdated now.....

But excited because no more phoenix and wolvy being too op. Pretty interested in seeing what the new characters can bring

masterblade9 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by masterblade9


Been wanting to pick up a new game for a while now, and def found it in MvC3. Got the original and have been practicing up, and Ultimate looks to be so much better! Nemesis and Phoenix Wright? I'm sold.

Got to play it a couple weeks back at Comic-Con, which went smooth for the most part, until standing in line one of the times the power went off at the entire Capcom booth 5 times in a row, eventually shutting down the booth and dispelling the lines. Got to stand in line for an hour for nothing. Best part about it was whenever the power went out a whole bunch of us chanted "MONEY BACK!" lmao

vVv_ChiboSempai has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by vVv_ChiboSempai


I just want to win....Then I can beat up everyone and make multiple VA jokes. Also I can gloat being the smart one who won....not bought Ultimate and didn't play vanilla at all.

Brad_Ry has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by Brad_Ry


Please let me win Marvel Vs Capcom so I don't have to look at my uncle's face while he touches me. :(

bipple305 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by bipple305


I think I just pooped my pants!

staulcub has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 24, 2011 by staulcub


I'm brazilian and I'm not BLANKA all right? But, he's in my side, and he want to play so much UMVC3, please, give to him one of the 5 copies , or he will eletrify my!!

Lamarck has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 25, 2011 by Lamarck


It's great to know that you guys are setting up another contest for all who are members here at

*meanwhile, in another dimension*

??????: Has the target been spotted?
Dr. Doom: no, he hasn't be found yet, but he's somewhere around this vicinity (points at possible location.)
??????: Okay, then Send your Doombots there and find him. He could be troublesome if someone else finds him.
Dr. Doom: Sure. Doombots, find this man and deal with him.

*Dimensional warp gate opens. Doombots goes through*
*back to reality*

I've been a fan of the series since it's first crossover game, X-men vs. Street Fighter. It was interesting to see a game in which Capcom put their best Street Fighter characters against most of the well-known characters within Marvel's X-Men universe. I especially like the fact that at the end of the game, you go face to face with Apocalypse. Even though I haven't played much of this game, My favorite characters to use were Charlie and Wolverine.

*Doombots appear from Dimensional warp gate. Begins searching the area*

When Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Capcom arrived in arcades, I really spent alot of time on that game. I remember playing alot of matches with people at the arcade place that used to be at my mall. I also remember at the end of the game, I had a rematch with Apocalypse (I figured he would be mad at me for defeating him in the previous game), but it didn't end there. Right after I defeated him, though, I was met by non other than Cyber Akuma, and oh boy, was he a pain. I remember having alot of issues with him and his overpower the end of the day, his defeat brought me relief until I learned that I had to fight my own partner to determine what ending will be shown. If was fun for a while.

*Back in the other dimension*

Zero: I'll be heading out now.
Dante: Are you sure you can do this? won't you need any help?
Zero: I won't need any help for this mission, Dante. If I do need help, I'll inform you.
Dante: Okay. I'll see you soon then. Remember, he is someone that could help us out, as well as the only one who can stop them.
Zero: Okay, I understand. Beginning mission now.

*Zero goes through a Dimensional warp gate.*
*Back in Reality*

MvC 2 is by far the one game in the crossover I still play to this day. Heck, I'm still playing it at this moment. The big thing about the game was the fact that it had the biggest roster in the series (even now, with UMvC3 having at least 50 characters available at launch). Out of the large roster, I personally use Hayato, B. B. Hood, and last, but not least, Jin Saotome. during part of the time I've played this game, I came across a couple of friends online through Xbox Live, and eventually joined them in recording sessions (you can find a set of matches in a story I made a long while back.). If any of you want to have a match on this game, let me know.

*Zero arrives from the Dimensional warp gate. begins search*

The next crossover in the series I got into was none other and Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Ultimate all-stars on the Wii. I remember the first day I picked this game up, scrolling through all that is available. It didn't take me long to quickly get used to the control setup, in which it was a huge departure from the games that came before this one, in which it changes later on with the next crossover. My favorite characters in that game were Batsu (from Rival Schools), Zero, Casshern, and Jun the Swan. Another thing I liked about the game was the extra minigame that was available after fulfilling a certain requirement. The fun part about the minigame was that I got to choose from Ryu, Ken the Eagle, Tekkaman Blade, and the PTX-40A, and learn the the game was a vertical shooter, in which you go and destroy Akrids (species in Lost Planet). To this day, I hope to someday see a sequel.

When MvC3 arrived, I was playing it like no other, trying to learn how every character worked, and which characters I find myself using. My main personal team consists of Zero, Dante, and Hisen-Ko. Of the three in my team, Zero is my personal main, just because I spent the most time learning him. I remember putting soo many hours into the game, running the game time and again, clearing it through with all the characters, playing online battles, and clearing events for new titles.

All this now leads up to Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. I can't wait for when this game comes out. All the new modes, the new stages, and new characters. of the new characters, I'm really interested in trying out Phoenix Wright, just because of his unique style. I'm also interested in seeing what can be done with the Heroes and Heralds mode, which is pretty much a mode involving using cards with abilities for your characters to have.

I guess that's all I've got to say for now. I'll go take a step outside now.

*steps outside, where it's nice*

Nice weather today.

*Doombots spotted target*

huh? what's those

*Doombots engaging target*

Woah, what's going on here!? what do they want with me...

*runs away from Doombots, only to trip in the process. Dr. Doom hologram appears in front of Doombots.*

Dr. Doom: So, this is the person Wesker has told me to find. you don't seem to look like much of a threat.
Me: Okay, I'm just wondering, what do you want from me?
Dr. Doom: Nothing really. I'm just sending my Doombots to eliminate you.
Me: Wait, WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!?
Dr. Doom: Don't worry, this won't take long. Doombots, attack.

*As the hologram disappears, the Doombots prepare their attack*

What did i do to deserve this?

*Suddenly, a Doombot get's sliced in half by a green sabre.*

Zero: I hope you're alright.
Me: I'm alright, but,just who are you?
Zero: you can call me Zero. don't worry, I'm here to help you. Just leave these Doombots to me.
Me: okay.

*Zero quickly dispatches the Doombots*

Zero: Mission completed. I need you to come with me, me and a couple of allies are in need of your help.
Me: Wait, what do you mean by needing my help.
Zero: Well, you see, we've been having a hard time dealing with Dr. Doom and Wesker. We've heard that you could help us out in finding out a way for us to take them down.
Me: I see. Okay, I'll be more than willing to help out, as long as I can get a shot at Dr. Doom. Can't believe he was trying to get rid of me.
Zero: Okay, then follow me through this warp gate.

*Zero opens Dimensional warp gate*

Me: Okay.

*Zero and I goes through Dimensional warp gate*
To be Continued...

Arthvader rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Oct 25, 2011 by Arthvader


Seriously Arth? Wow! That could have been your story entry. Trying to lock it up early.

goukijones rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Oct 25, 2011 by goukijones


I still have a review to finish up for this site. that will pretty much be my story entry.

Arthvader rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Oct 25, 2011 by Arthvader


Why no GameCube version available for winning?

choke has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 25, 2011 by choke


I came, I saw, I hadoukened....

Mastaofall has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 25, 2011 by Mastaofall


I will let based gouki fuck all my bitches if I get a copy of UMvC3

AnthonyOgborn has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 26, 2011 by AnthonyOgborn


I bet Montel Williams has participated in a fight club.

manasteel88 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 28, 2011 by manasteel88


I would really love to own this. I don't have the original MvC3 but I still have my Dreamcast MvC1 and 2, along with their ancestors, X-Men Vs. SF and Marvel vs. SF on Sega Saturn! This would be the "ultimate" bookend for the collection.

WhipSmartBanky has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 29, 2011 by WhipSmartBanky


I would love to make my friends free with a free game :)

PotentialV has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 29, 2011 by PotentialV


The offer of "bitches" always sounds appealing.

goukijones rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Oct 29, 2011 by goukijones


Followed and RT'd as @staulcub
Liked and shared as Brian Staulcup
Sub'd and posted as staulcub

In honor of Halloween, thought I'd share some Adam Sandler cheap halloween costumes with you:

staulcub has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Oct 31, 2011 by staulcub


I definitely think a NEW team troll is in order for this installment on my end. Definitely going to make M.O.D.O.K., Phoenix Wright, and Frank West work as a team somehow, someway! :D Definitely going to be fun playing as a big head (again), a lawyer, and a photographer on one team. xD

numberviz3r0 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 1, 2011 by numberviz3r0


Funny is not what you say or write, its who you are. Unfortunately I'm not funny in that regard either, wah wah.


jokerzwild has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 6, 2011 by jokerzwild


Well thanks for the contest and the website. Here is my honest comment on why I wanna win this game.

Capcom makes great games. They are creative and hard working. Still Capcom is a jerk. They are making useless DLC charging a lot of money for them and they are working too hard to milk money out of their loyal fans.

So here is the truth I am a fan of their work but not of their practices. So winning this game makes me happy because I can enjoy their probably well made game, also I will be happy because I didn't have to support their IMHO stupid practices.

Thanks for a chance guys!

tweeted @genxsis83

genxsis83 rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Flush it
Nov 6, 2011 by genxsis83


If I win, I promise...
- Not to spam Dante's moves
- Not to ragequit
- Not to make Phoenix Wright jokes nonstop.

What more could you want?

derkasan has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 6, 2011 by derkasan


If I win, I promise to review it. Is that good enough to win a copy?

jalexbrown rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Nov 8, 2011 by jalexbrown


Kinda late, but is the contest open to Canada?

DingWade has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 10, 2011 by DingWade


Do you Jimmys play the same region games as the US?

goukijones rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Nov 11, 2011 by goukijones


I'm pretty sure that US and Canada are both region 1, so yeah...they should.

jalexbrown rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Nov 11, 2011 by jalexbrown


I figured I'd give a proper entry, so I'm copying this over from the unboxing video.

I bought a Dreamcast for Marvel vs Capcom 2 alone and played the hell out of that until the console broke. Then I paid like $90 for a copy of the PS2 version, and it got stolen. When I was building a game room I paid $600 for the arcade cabinet which, in the words of the seller, died (I think it was seller's remorse), but at least I got a refund from that Jimmy.

jalexbrown rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Nov 11, 2011 by jalexbrown


Check the update Jimmys! You now have a chance at 1 of 10 copies!

goukijones rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Nov 13, 2011 by goukijones


Yeah, Canada does play in the same region as US. Congrats on another shout out by Capcom Unity.

DingWade has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by DingWade


I would love to get a copy of UMvC3 for the PS3! I've been a fan of Marvel vs Capcom and X-men vs Streetfighter. Go Canada!

DingWade has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by DingWade


Q: Where's Spiderman's home page?
A: On the world wide web.

Lame I know.

Sometimes I wish Capcom could upgrade my real life like they do with their fighting games.

sNsKid rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Nov 13, 2011 by sNsKid


Lol, i spend all of my money on Baby Diapers, i would otherwise never have a chance to play this game. Thx for the great contest Gouki! i tweeted from @noahjette

sweatysides has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by sweatysides


It's almost time, guess I need to build up my callouses and be ready to lose some sleep.

dragonkiss83 rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Nov 13, 2011 by dragonkiss83


Been looking forward to this game! We play MvC3 at home all the time, and while I never let my 10 year old daughter play the Mortal Kombat games, I do let her play MvC games. No blood, just animated fighting, and she really good! Lily often kicks the butt of my friends that are more then twice her age!

Great contest, and thanks for doing this BTW cause only working 1/2 days a week right now, there is no way I can afford this game. If I win i'll save it for Christmas morning :)

So tweeted here!/agentcoop007/status/135823193612107776

And shared on my FB wall here!/neil.merschbrock/posts/318661878150385

And subbed & commented on youtube YT username : agentcoop007

agentcoop007 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by agentcoop007


wow you guys are serious about your giveaways! Hope I win!

Tweeted @rogXue
sub'd on youtube

rogXue has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by rogXue

grey walrus

Haven't been commenting on the site lately. For a while actually sorry guys. But I have been following the stories on facebook and the like. That's actually where I saw this. Posting it it to a couple places I know to get the word out.

grey walrus has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by grey walrus


You said a good way to get noticed is to leave a funny comment so here is a joke.

If only Africa had more mosquito nets, then we could save millions of mosquitoes from dying of Aids.

Wasn't that hilarious! In all seriousness though winning the game would be cool, moneys tight.

unit-00 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by unit-00


You know whats more awesome than gouki? Two gouki!

alamoe01 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by alamoe01


Gotta' love this game and gotta' love a free giveaway. Can't wait to play Phoenix Wright/Iron Fist/Viewtiful Joe all over the place.

CrvyloOo has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by CrvyloOo


Hmm...a funny story, huh?

Well, it's funny thinking about it now. The other day, I was at a mall with two friends. My car was fine when we got there, but when we left and got back, my front passenger tire was completely flat. Luckily, I just got AAA a few days before, so I called them up and asked them to help me out, but told them that I didn't have a spare. They send a guy over, but apparently don't do tire repair, and didn't tell him that I don't have a spare, so he shows up asking where it was. This was at 8pm, so there were no shops open anywhere near us. He went back to his van to call local Sears locations to see if they're still open while I called my dad to let him know what was going on. My dad informed that there was a spare tire, and that it was under the trunk (this was his car before he got a new one this past summer), so I went back to the guy and told him. At this point, I'm thinking "Awesome! We're going to get out soon and everything will be fine." Wrong. He took quite a while changing the tire, partly because his van was blocking some cars that needed to get out, so he had to go and move it a couple times. Finally, it's done, and he lowers the jack. When the car is back down, we heard a noise, as though somebody was holding a full balloon slightly open. Turns out, the spare had a hole in it. Only option now was to call a tow truck. Apparently, two trucks can only fit two people, but there were three of us. So now, we need to find somebody living near us (we're away at college) who has a car, which was only around 2-3 people. Luckily, one of those three had a car and was available, so we were able to coordinate everything fine.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. Thanks for doing this, I hope this game gets more exposure because I think it's fantastic. If you do pick me, my console of choice is xbox360 and I can be reached at

serfis has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by serfis


Since you guys asked for a funny story.. a few years ago, I went out with some friends after Thanksgiving dinner. We didn't go anywhere really, we just went house-hopping at each others' houses and we were just eating any leftovers. After all, we were still incredibly energetic teenagers.

After eating so much, my stomach started to hurt and I felt like I was going to burst. The group went to another friend's house to visit and I asked one of my friends, "Hey, can I use your bathroom? I really gotta go." She pointed me to the right direction, so I darted towards the bathroom. It felt like I was trapped in bullet time. I could feel the sweat dripping down my face slowly.

I got into the bathroom, scurried to the toilet and let nature run it's course. However, since I was full of protein and Thanksgiving food, I dropped the most gnarliest smelling log ever. I was incredibly embarrassed to walk out of the bathroom. So I decided that I needed to mask my ungodly smell before I head back to where everyone was at. I couldn't find any kind of colognes (or in this case perfume, since this was a girl's place), but I found a can of Febreeze Air. I proceeded to put a few sprays on my clothes and on myself. After confirming that I do not smell like putrid doo-doo, I went downstairs and met up with everyone.

I was still shaking though. I was nervous that someone might pick up a faint smell of grossness. "Someone smells...", another friend piped up. I was proceeding to turn red, however, she finished her sentence, "... really pretty! Wow!"

I let out this huge sigh of relief and belted out this huge laugh. I proceeded to go on with my evening. Only a few people know about what I did to mask my poo smell.

Anyway. That's my funny story. Hopefully you like it.

HiTwonny has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 13, 2011 by HiTwonny


I can make clever comments too!:D Way too excited for this game hope whoever wins will enjoy it as much as i hope to.

bamfface has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Nov 14, 2011 by bamfface


The giveaway is now closed and winner will be announced shortly.

goukijones rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Nov 14, 2011 by goukijones


Streaming Ultimate

goukijones rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Nov 14, 2011 by goukijones


The winners have been selected.

Facebook: Victor Ramirez
YouTube: squallz3r0
Twitter: @Ophelikios
Comment: sNsKid
Story: AnthonyOgborn

Check your email or your message system on which site you won, for instructions on how to claim your prize.

goukijones rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Nov 14, 2011 by goukijones


Winners check your email and messages. Sorry but if we don't place order in the next 45 minutes you can't get it right away. Don't worry I have a back up plan. Don't be a Jimmy.

goukijones rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Nov 14, 2011 by goukijones


There's still a chance for a FightStick bag. A new Jimmy of the month will be announced on the last Wednesday in November and there's talk of a great code giveaway.

Thanks for reading.

goukijones rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Nov 14, 2011 by goukijones


fuck it

kof2012 has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Dec 21, 2011 by kof2012

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