Desk Explains How to Do True Standing 720 Ultra and Supers.

By Cinderkin — February 1, 2011
Tags: desk ssf4 super-street-fighter-iv tutorial video

Ever had trouble doing a standing 720 ultra move? Do you even know what it is? Well Desk has a very good tutorial showing off how its done. Check it out!

Here is the description:

This is a new technique and entirely different from the method used by Vangief and other Zangief players. The existing method requires the player to hide or 'buffer' half of the motion in a normal or jump. This does not.

Its practicality is exactly parallel to how hardcore a player you are. So, if you're not hardcore, then it won't be practical.

Although technically, you only need 4 inputs after initiating your jump animation(up, right, down and left). You will most likely be going past diagonals. This will mean you have 7 frames to hit 7 inputs.


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Source: Desk's Youtube Channel

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