Desk's El Fuerte & Abel Execution Exhibition Video

By Cinderkin — June 1, 2011
Tags: combo-videos ssf4 super-street-fighter-iv video

Desk is back with a new Execution Exhibition video this time featuring El Fuerte and Abel. This is really cool if you're looking to get your execution down with these characters. Check it out.

Youtube Description:

Not a combo video as such, more an exhibition of what the featured characters are capable of. Each clip is essentially a 'set piece' that you could practice, to aid in improving execution and general consistency. The HQ, close-up stick footage and detailed, real-time transcript is present to help you along, if you want to be hardcore :)

He's currently taking votes on which of the twins [Yun/Yang] will feature in my premiere SSFIV:AE video. Whoever get the most votes (Yun/Yang) will be the subject of a dedicated character combo video on June 7th.

Also you can check out Episode 1. Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

Super Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

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