Destiny Launch Event Tonight in Las Vegas @ The Microsoft Store

By goukijones — September 8, 2014
Tags: blog fashion-show-mall las-vegas microsoft-store

9/8/2014 Fashion Show Mall Las Vegas, NV

Tonight in Las Vegas come hang out at the Microsoft store, play Destiny, eat some food, dance? Yes dancing! Here's the deal, the Microsoft store is having a party & a midnight sale tonight for Destiny starting at 10PM. BatRastered, PrettyMiwa, FnJimmy & myself will be there.

PLUS! on the case: Microsoft says that you can trade in an old 360 (ANY VERSION) & get $100 off a new Xbox One! That includes the Madden edition. BUT wait there's more! You can even get Destiny for free if you make the transaction after midnight tonight.

DEALS JIMMY! So I'll find out tonight if any of this actually works that way. I'm also going to bring in a bunch of 360 games because they do game trades as well. JIMAH!


Destiny Gouki Box Art

15 Stories

Release Date: Sep 9, 2014

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