Deus Ex Human Revolution FPS gameplay and weapons display

By goukijones — November 18, 2010
Tags: deus-ex-human-revolution news video

Although I'm on the verge of banning all Japanese games, I still have hope for Deus EX check out the new gameplay trailer.

I've been hyped up for Deus EX Human Revolution ever since I saw that first gameplay trailer earlier this year. I figure if the combat really does control like that in the game I will want to play it. I said the same thing about Vanquish though and just couldn't get into that game at all. If you're familiar with Deus EX HR you know what the combat looked like in those early CG trailers. This trailer however, looks more like Goldeneye on the N64. But my hopes are still up with guns that shoot through anything and the ability to turn invisible and sneak around.

What do you Jimmys think about this game?

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex Human Revolution Gouki Box Art

18 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 23, 2011

Buy it! 50% - Rent it! 40% - Flush it! 10%

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