DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket not working on PS3, Update Coming

By goukijones — September 11, 2011
Tags: directv news nfl-sunday-ticket ps3-exclusive

DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket software issues or broadcast issues? Not working on the debut day for PS3. We've contacted DirecTV here's what they told us ..

Widespread issues of NFL Sunday Ticket not working on PS3, To-Go and other HD Receivers. PS3 owners have also posted about slow feeds and terrible picture quality.

From the DirecTV forums:

"Anyone else using the PS3 function and having problems? mine keeps freezing and going back to pregame and then catching up?"

"Have this game going in Hershey, PA on my PS3.  It is a TERRIBLE feed.  I am seeing 4.1mbs download and 3.4mbs upload.

Please help!  It is lagging, and occasionally cutting back to moments from the pre-game show."

How's the weather where you are? called DirecTV and spoke with their technical support. They responded:

"It's a broadcast issue, everyone is having problems. Our [DirecTV] engineers are working." 

We recommend calling DirecTV and letting them know if you're having issues. We were told we would receive a credit once the service returns.

What are your issues? Are you trying to watch Football on your PS3 right now?

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I cannot get most games to come up and the one that works but the picture quality is terrible. I cannot believe I am paying for this.

kjomo1 has not rated PlayStation 3 yet.
Sep 11, 2011 by kjomo1


Call them bro. Get your credit. You'll be on hold for 30 mins or so, so get comfortable and turn on CBS. Thanks for coming to and leaving a comment.

goukijones rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Sep 11, 2011 by goukijones


I experienced the same things in Cincinnati. Terrible picture quality (Sub standard TV- let alone HD, skips, inability to access games or the redzone channel, etc.

After watching it all day, it seems to me that the more people that enter the feed on a certain game, the worse the quality is (i.e. if you and only a few thousand are watching, it's fine, but when the market floods in (like San Fran at 4:30), and you have millions trying to access the same game, the signal degrades exponentially downward.

I also think the messages of "Video Unavailable at this time" is a result of that specific game's servers being full (so, if you keep trying, when someone leaves to watch a different game, you can take their slot, and watch the crappy coverage since the server is full).

I have called both companies. 1h 25m later I was given the basic prefab answer posted above (We are aware, and working toward....blah blah blah), but note that if you are a ps3 only subscriber and purchased through the playstation store, you must deal with the playstation store exclusively. Directv has no record of purchases made from the playstation store.

I was told by the store, I could be refunded immediately or if I wanted to give it a week and let them "work the bugs out," I could cancel next week if there are still problems.

All in all a very bad start to something that could've been a great app, aside from the incredibly overblown price tag only true fan like myself would begin to pay. I have a feeling these issues will not be resolved soon, since it would require major server upgrades to account for the mass number of people watching. I will probably give it the week to see what happens, but I see myself cancelling this service and putting the $340 savings into something else I can feel satisfied with.

mubone2003 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Sep 11, 2011 by mubone2003


Sounds like they need to get their shit together. I'm not interested, but if they do it with UFC I might try it out.

DragonKiss83 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Sep 16, 2011 by DragonKiss83


We'll find out tomorrow morning if they've got their shit together.

BatRastered rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
Sep 17, 2011 by BatRastered

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