Dragon Age II Montage

By goukijones — March 22, 2011
Tags: cheat dragon-age-2 dragon-age-ii exclusive exclusive-video gaming glitch guide how-to pro-tips tips-and-tricks video walkthrough

Playing Dragon Age type games, like Mass Effect or KOTOR always leads to some shenanigans. I love this genre, because I love fuckin' with every possibility. I recorded a bunch of different clips from mostly the first act. I hope you enjoy it.

The Highlights.

0:05 Female Hawke getting drunk.
0:41 Perfectly Calm.
0:53 Raipin'.
1:22 The Hard One with Isabela.
1:34 Experience the deep story ... (Actual goukijones play style)
2:05 Just strange.
2:18 All girl team. What's up with Merrill?
2:30 Giant dead spider.
2:35 Fuck you, pay me.
2:44 Don't be a Varric! (Do not bring this Jimmy into important fights. He is a nub.)
3:05 Health bar glitch. (Again for the record: Don't be a Varric! Bianca my ass. Pausing the game seemed to get me out of the glitch. Varric must have been drinking a potion when he got knocked down and it never reset.)
4:11 End game raip. (This is all about how my team was wreckin' shop on some regular nuabs omw to fight the bosses. That's right I said bosses, the game is BadAssNice.)
5:00 Fenris takes a friendly fire Bursting Arrow to the chest. Hilarious. I didn't even know friendly fire was possible that way.

And now I would like to present to you ...

My Dragon Age II Montage.

Dragon Age II

Dragon Age II Gouki Box Art

20 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Mar 8, 2011

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