Dragon Age: Redemption Web Series Premieres Tonight!

By Cinderkin — February 16, 2011
Tags: dragon-age-ii dragon-age-redemption news

Felicia Day, star of "The Guild" is starring in a new web series involving the world of Dragon Age.

Felicia Day has collaborated with BioWare to create a six part web series based on the Dragon Age universe. Day plays Tallis, who according to her "is headstrong, she fights dirty, and she has a really sarcastic sense of humor. I wanted to bring a modern sensibility to a fantasy character in a fantasy world."

The world premiere which is entitled Dragon Age: Redemption will be presented by Day, who also wrote it on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon tonight on NBC. Also it is said that a on-the-set-look will be shown on Spike TV Feb 24th.

Day said "I'm a huge Dragon Age fan, and I have been looking for a follow up project to 'The Guild' for quite some time, I was thrilled when the opportunity to work with BioWare materialized. Dragon Age: Redemption allows me to tell a fantasy story in a new way, using a universe I really love. It has been a dream working together."

Co-founder of BioWare had this to say "We are really, really excited to work with people like her who have a passion and appreciation for the content and a really good history of quality, That's who we want to work with."

Day's character Tallis is an Elven assassin who is hired by the Qunari to capture a rogue mage who intends to cause chaos all over Ferelden. On her journey to prevent the mage from putting the world in danger, Tallis bands with a group of companions whose goals and beliefs vary, but they come together to try and defeat the threat imposed by the rogue mage and restore peace.

Dragon Age II is out March 8th so pre-order now. Also be on the look out for Dragon Age: Redemption online soon.

Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

Source: Official Dragon Age Website


Dragon Age II

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Release Date: Mar 8, 2011

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Video games made into web series seem really corny. But her being from The Guild and other great people working on it I'm sure it would be a great show.

iorilamia rated Dragon Age II Rent it
Feb 16, 2011 by iorilamia


Elven titties heard.

goukijones rated Dragon Age II Buy it
Feb 16, 2011 by goukijones


So many things like this turn out to be crap, here's to hoping they get it right.

DragonKiss83 rated Dragon Age II Rent it
Feb 16, 2011 by DragonKiss83

grey walrus

Still haven't played the first dragon age so I probably won't watch it.

grey walrus rated Dragon Age II Rent it
Feb 16, 2011 by grey walrus


me neither grey walrus

kof2012 has not rated Dragon Age II yet.
Feb 17, 2011 by kof2012


Dude I knew I wasn't day dreaming the Elven tatas.

goukijones rated Dragon Age II Buy it
Feb 17, 2011 by goukijones



Phresh rated Dragon Age II Rent it
May 6, 2011 by Phresh

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