Duke Nukem Forever pre-order yes, release date no. Demo? No.

By goukijones — December 28, 2010
Tags: demo duke-nukem-forever news release-date

Random sites and even Major Nelson say the pre-order has been announced for Duke Nukem Forver ... Where's the beef?

Duke Nukem release date still not official, demo still unannounced

BatRastered spotted it earlier in the day on some random site. Duke Nukem Forver pre-order has been announced and the release date is February 1st 2011.

That's right, that's what Amazon says. Even though, it's still the fake box art. That pre-order page also says: "Official pricing and release date have not been announced by the publisher. These are estimates only and subject to change."

"Product Features: 

Amazon has also had this pre-order available since September 1, 2010. [Gearbox Software Forums]

That's not what GameStop says. GameStop doesn't even have a date. You also CAN NOT pre-order from GameStop right now.

Wikipedia still lists it as "Early 2011"

Gearbox Software hasn't made any announcements and niether has 2K Games.

Gearbox Software staff hasn't posted in their forums since November 30, 2010.

Look at the box art. Do you think that is official?

Check your sources. I wouldn't recommend jumping on this pre-order right away. You do realize this is Duke Nukem we're talking about right? There's Jimmys that still have a pre-order reciept from Bababages Circa 1996.

Gouki.com speaks the truth:
This is actually an elaborate joke by Randy Pitchford. The game we were ACTUALLY playing/seeing at PAX was ... Borderlands 2.

Don't be a Jimmy!

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever Gouki Box Art

27 Stories

Release Date: Jun 14, 2011

Buy it! 18% - Rent it! 64% - Flush it! 18%

Here's some dude's gamestop receipt from 2001: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/

BatRastered rated Duke Nukem Forever Flush it
Dec 28, 2010 by BatRastered


Got excited, then super let down at the inconsistancy in information and shit sounding shifty :(

and thats a dirty ass receipt

iorilamia has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
Dec 28, 2010 by iorilamia


If i preordered this game 10 years ago they better give me a fucking life size duke nukem statue.

erikestrada has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
Dec 29, 2010 by erikestrada

DE bad shot

"rolls eyes"

DE bad shot has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
Dec 30, 2010 by DE bad shot


Seriously, I'm way more interested in Borderlands 2 than DNF. This would be a GREAT joke. Can you imagine the outrage?

BatRastered rated Duke Nukem Forever Flush it
Dec 30, 2010 by BatRastered


I bet that this game will never come out. Come Get Some.... oh wait nvm.

Cinderkin has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
Dec 31, 2010 by Cinderkin


This story was taken down from n4g because it was a duplicate. The other Jimmy originally posted that Amazon was accepting pre-orders still has his BS story up. That site is nubfarm Jimmy!

goukijones rated Duke Nukem Forever Flush it
Dec 31, 2010 by goukijones


duke nukem was the shit back in 1990 something

kof2012 has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
Jan 12, 2011 by kof2012


I thin it will be a fun play, maybe a drinking game like do a shot everytime he calls an alien a pussy or something, May 3 isn't that far hopefully they deliver.

DragonKiss83 has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
Feb 28, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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