EGM Magazine retruns!

By goukijones — December 21, 2009
Tags: egm news

My favorite video game magazine of all time! EGM returns in 2010!

My collection of EGM is incredible. It's like a history of video games for me. I bought two of the exact same EGMs once when I was younger. You probably are asking yourself why two? For a chance to win a Street Fighter II arcade machine Jimmy! Ohhhhh I wanted it so bad! Didn't get it. 

EGM was cancelled a couple of years ago and the video game world was devastated. Although I was getting more up to date information online, I still enjoyed when my EGM came in the mail and I got to read through it.

 When EGM was cancelled, Dan Hsu started up I love that site, but I'm super excited that the magazine is coming back. BERNER!

The first issue will come out in April unless this is just some elaborate April fool's joke. The magazine will be tied to a special online site with extra stuff that can be accessed by secret codes ior something. 

GoukiJones and Dan Hsu

Read the full story 

crimson relic

That would be cool if they really do. I miss having GI and EGM hitting my mailbox every month. I still have the last EGM with Wolverine on the cover. Too bad the real last EGM with the SFIV cover never made it to print.

Dec 22, 2009 by crimson relic


I'm really glad that EGM is back. I need to start getting these issues ASAP.

Sep 6, 2010 by Arthvader

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