EVO 2010 Nififf [Chun Li] pool play match 1

By goukijones — July 10, 2010
Tags: evo-2010 exclusive nififf super-street-fighter-iv team-gouki video

Great match! Goes all three fights. Check out Nififf in action at EVO 2010!!

This is a great fight, early on the Dhalsim teleport to avoid a cheese fireball that would have killed him. Listen closely for the name PSPenis be screamed out. Great handle Jimmy. Get it "handle" ... come on! The third fight also goes three rounds and it is all or nothing here. This fight comes all the way down to just a lil bit. Incredible finish! Both very talented players here. Watch the video and leave comments and you can always challange the Gouki.com Super Street Fighter IV pro Nififf. Don't be a Jimmy!

Super Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

177 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

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