Fable III is it a revolution or an overhypefest?

By goukijones — October 13, 2010
Tags: news preview trailer

New trailer for Fable III gets me hype. What are your thoughts?

I love the fable series, I played through Fable II twice. Fable I definitely left a mark on me when it was originally released. Fable II had a lot of things I didn't like, but the combat was solid. I will always say that I think the Fable series has had one of the best combat systems in games. Its so simple to switch between styles. Depending on which style you would use your character would develop certain traits like: Use magic, start to turn a little crackly and blue. Use the guns and become tall and skinny. I still don't know why using the sword made you fat in bulky. I heard they changed that in Fable III.

Fable III has to be my number 2 most wanted game right now. But since it's coming out the same day as Star Wars The Force Unleashed II and I'm sure BatRastered isn't going to let anyone near him or that game that day. I will be on the Fable III.

The trailer below is just CG with some pwnn ass music. But it reminds me of those classic Gears of War commercials with the serious music. 

Fable III : Revolution

Fable III

Fable III Gouki Box Art

8 Stories

Release Date: Oct 26, 2010

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