FFXIV Hokuten just quits when there's a first timer.

By goukijones — August 12, 2014
Tags: a-realm-reborn crafting heathcliff-hokuten malboro video

This guy is 1 of the biggest Jimmys on Malboro.


Here's the deal. When I started Final Fantasy XIV 2.0 back in the beta, this Jimmy & I were in the same FC. I knew this guy was a hardcore crafter. I was too, but nobody really knew. The night I got all my crafts to 50, this nuab Hokuten was just a few hours behind me. When he had found out I beat him to 50, he never really spoke to me again since. He's just been a huge douche. Now I got some of his doucheyness on tape. You suck Hokuten. I'm the Master Crafter. Jimmy!

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV Gouki Box Art

124 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 27, 2013

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