FFXIV So You Think You Can Gather EP7 Level 35 - Making Gil

By goukijones — November 2, 2013
Tags: a-realm-reborn gouki-linkshell video

In this episode I show off my new level 35 gear & discuss tips on how to make gil at this level.

1 of my more important tips I've discovered recently is skipping the node that doesn't do anything. Ok, you know how there is a group of 4 nodes where ever you are gathering? 1 is +5% on HQ, 1 is +10% on Gathering, 1 does bonus gathering attempts & 1 is always blank. This is at level 38 btw. Skip the 1 that is blank. That way you can get the +5% bonus to HQ every 3 turns. Pro-tips.

Thanks for watching. Don't be a Jimmy!

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Release Date: Aug 27, 2013

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