Final Fantasy Tactics for the iPhone is not dead

By BatRastered — June 30, 2011
Tags: final-fantasy-tactics interview iphone news

It won't make spring 2011, now that that's over, Square claims end of July.

There's an interesting Facebook post by Shiina, the associate producer for the iPhone version of FFT. In it, he apologizes for not making the companies promised Spring release date. To make it up to us, he answers a few questions about the game and swears it will be released before July is over.


Is the slow-down problem solved?
-Yes! It's definitely fatser, comfortable to play.
We'll show it in the trailer or a movie clip.

Is it a universal app?
-No. We'll release iPhone ver and iPad ver both.

When will you release the iPad version?
-Now we plan to release it 1 month later than iPhone version.

Supported 3GS?
-Yes! Absolutely!

3G also supported?
-No. We tried to support 3G but it was toooo slow to play the game.

Does it have the Multiplayer mode?
-Nope. We had to cut it off for iOS devices.

-No. We don't plan to release add-ons now.

Did you add the autosave function?
-Yes! Exactly!
If you get a phone call, the game will be automatically saved
and you can get back to the game immediately. took much time to add this function. It made the dev team exhausted.

I'm still excited for this... I'd love to have FFT in my pocket whenever I need it. I hope it doesn't cost too much!

Bonus Screenshot of JP version:

Final Fantasy Tactics Screenshot

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

Final Fantasy Tactics Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Aug 4, 2011

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