Final Fantasy X|V Benchmark. Desktop VS Laptop. Exclusive Video.

By goukijones — August 2, 2013
Tags: a-realm-reborn desktop-vs-laptop exclusive-video nvidia preview

Here's a look at how my systems are holding up running Final Fantasy X|V & streaming with settings maxed out. Check out my results in the 2 live videos I made plus a bonus look at BatRastered's score.

When I first started to download the benchmark yesterday, it told me it would take 3 days at 1 point. This game is going to get railed on day 1. I recently purchased a brand new laptop, hoping I’d be able to stream the Final Fantasy from different locations. As long as the internet was ample. Well I tried it from home today, where the internet is ample. Here are the results from the laptop. This clip is from the Twitch stream.

Now for the desktop streaming the Fantasy.

Special bonus, here’s what it looked like on BatRastered’s stream.

I’m disappointed with the laptop’s performance, but I’ll mess with the settings & see how it goes. If I can’t get it to my satisfaction, I may just send this Jimmy back. Too expensive for it to NOT do what I want.

*Update we have improved the performance on the Laptop, but running Xsplit at the same time maxes out the CPU.

Thanks for reading.


Final Fantasy XIV

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Release Date: Aug 27, 2013

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I'm getting a decent score still for my specs. AMD Phenom 965 Black (OC @ 3.8Ghz), Radeon 6970, 8GB DDR 1600 (8-8-8-24 timing), SSD on Windows 7 x64.

kuroukage rated Final Fantasy XIV Buy it
Aug 2, 2013 by kuroukage


R u planning on playing? Malboro server is where it's at.

goukijones rated Final Fantasy XIV Rent it
Aug 2, 2013 by goukijones


Yep, I'm going to play. As far as Marlboro...well, I moved my legacy character to Hyperion, so we'll see. I'll play for a bit to see how much I like the final version before I decide on switching servers.

kuroukage rated Final Fantasy XIV Buy it
Aug 2, 2013 by kuroukage


The laptop later on in the day ended up working out just fine. Railed it at 720 with like 9k. Lesgo!

goukijones rated Final Fantasy XIV Rent it
Aug 5, 2013 by goukijones

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