Final Fantasy XIV Drunken hands on

By goukijones — June 26, 2010
Tags: demo e3-2010 final-fantasy-xiv gameplay hands-on

FNJimmy and I got a little private time with Final Fantasy XIV in 3D, with my best friend Jack Daniels.

FNJimmy and I got into the private hands on room of Final Fantasy XIV. I played it in 3D and let me just say it looks absolutely amazing. The problem with 3D gaming of course (and this isn’t the only time you’re going to hear me say this) I don’t want to have a $5000 dollar set up to play it. The glasses and 3D on screen were not abrasive at all. Although I don’t know how I would feel after playing Final Fantasy for XIV umpteen hours.

As far as the actual gameplay of Final Fantasy XIV it was just like Final Fantasy XI, I’m afraid that this game may just be a graphical update. I ran through the town and saw the shops and few NPC’s all very familiar to anyone that has played FFXI. When I got out into the field with a group to fight some enemies, again felt just like FFXI.

Final Fantasy XIV or Star Wars The Old Republic? The variables here would be release dates, friends online, monthly pricing, and system. I don’t know when either game is coming out for sure, but I’ll be giving both a try when they are released. I think my friends online are gonna be split. Whoever has the cheaper service is just gonna receive bonus points.  As far as systems go, I know I’ll be starting either one on the PC so I guess that does matter. Here’s a short clip of FNJimmy and myself hands on with Jack Daniels errrrrrrr Final Fantasy XIV.

This is a video that has been circulating the net about the difference between the alpha and beta versions of Final Fantasy XIV. Hello?! WTF? When the game is actually released,  we won’t be playing either version, so who cares? The graphics are nice though.

This is the North American E3 2010 Trailer. Makes my nipples hard Jimmy.

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV Gouki Box Art

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