Final Fantasy XIV ver 2.05 patch notes

By BatRastered — October 15, 2013
Tags: news patch

A summary of what's changed with last night's patch.

Last quest for GC Promotion changed from AK to AV
Reduce ferry and airship fee now 120 gil
Increase number of server instances for AK and WP
Increase ToP gained from AK and WP, AK now 100
Increase ToM gained from WP, Garuda HM, Titan HM
Trash mobs in WP, AK, CM, Prae will drop some gils about 40-60 each
Change position of trash mobs in CM, WP
Increase number of Fleece drop mobs in CCH (dragonhead map)
Respawn rate of diremites increased in N. Shroud
Increase exp miner and botanist guildleves
Own debuff/buff will always be on the most left
Cannot create more than 8 characters per day per service account (prevent RMT stuff?)
Lots and lots of bug fixes (see full notes)

Some good stuff here. I always thought the airship was way too expensive compared to just teleporting, especially considering it made me load two cutscenes that I just skip everytime.

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