First 15 minutes of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
By goukijones —
August 21, 2013
From YouTuber: ComboBreakah. This game already looks better than that debacle Enemy Unknown. Stay away from that game.
I'm pretty hype for this. I don't have it yet, waiting for that price to drop. Don't be a Jimmy! This game was shown to me at E3 like 4 years ago. It looks kinda the same. I think it's mostly the same crew that started it back in the day. I remember the guy comparing it to Final Fantasy Tactics, so I'm eager to see how much of it is still like that. Way better than Enemy Unknown. Relive some of my most ridiculous moments in that game here.
Thanks for watching.
Check out ComboBrekah's YouTube channel.
Release Date:
Aug 20, 2013