GameWorks Mario Kart 8 Ride or Die Tournament Wrap-up Story

By goukijones — September 2, 2014
Tags: blog gameworks ride-or-die-tournament

August 23, 2014 GameWorks Las Vegas, Nevada

The final results & stats from the Mario Kart 8 Ride or Die Tournament inside GameWorks Las Vegas. 

Picture: Semi-finals. Dead serious racing action!

Grand Finals Mario Kart 8 Ride or Die


Total Entries: 59

Actual Racers: 54
First Place: NDma1n (Wario)  $200.00
Second Place: BrandxnSenior (Metal Mario) $60.00
Third Place: Killalokez (Wendy) $30.00

3rd place had a race off. First 1 to the bottom of Mount Wario wins!!!

Semi-final videos had a little bit of lag at the start, but once that was reset we were good to go. Here are the highlights.

Watch the Grand Finals?

YouTube Comments:

"This is Killalokez, anybody want to play me online I'm under Ericklokez. Gouki thanks the tournament was great. Had my 1st experience on a tournament, also many more to come."

"This is BrandxnSenior. This tournament was much more than I expected! Thanks to the Awesome Gouki and Gameworks staff. My First tournament as well. Can't wait for the next mario kart tourney."

Twitter Comments:





Watch Jacob from Anime Revolution LIVE commentary from the tournament. 

Thank you to everyone or particpated & helped out with the tournament! Thank you to GameWorks for allowing us to host. It's great to have you guys back! Thank you to my Gouki staff & players that helped on this event. See you guys next time!

Coming up next at GameWorks: Fighting Game Champions Tournament.

Mario Kart 8

Mario Kart 8 Gouki Box Art

27 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: May 30, 2014

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