Gearbox Reiterates Still No More Loot Chest Editions Available
By goukijones —
June 26, 2012
Word coming down from Gearbox that there are still no plans to produce more Ultimate Loot Chest Editions for Borderlands 2 before launch. Also more info on Creature Slaughter Dome and how to get it.
Unavailable still Jimmy. Hope you pre-ordered this when you had the chance. Remember with Amazon pre-order you don't pay until it ships. You could've sold 1 on Ebay and kept 1 for yourself already. This item is getting well over $300 on eBay right now. No, I'm not selling mine. I'm pretty sure BatRastered isn't selling his either. Maybe we'll post FnJimmy's on eBay for $1.
Randy Pitchford said on Kotaku earlier this month that the company manufacturing the loot chest cant make them any faster than they already are. Therefore, they are scrambling just to fill the pre-orders.
"It doesn't seem likely that there can be more loot chests manufactured by launch" -Randy Pitchford
You can read more of that post on Kotaku.
As far as the Creature Slaughter Dome, this is my first time hearing of this feature. Right now it's a GameStop exclusive. But BatRastered assures me that this will be unlocked for all players sometime after the release. Also it may be available to those who were lucky enough to get the Loot Chest Edition.
Creature Slaughter Dome: Enter the Creature Slaughter Dome and face off against the TOUGHEST monsters in all of Pandora. Your efforts will not be in vain. Gain experience and gear to bring back into the main game. Endure the battle, and you will receive NUMEROUS rewards.
Gearbox Says: The Creature Slaughter Dome is separate from the Premiere Club and allows you to face off against the toughest monsters in all of Pandora for experience and gear that you can bring back into the main game.
That sounds like a lot of fun. There is going to be a ton of stuff to do in Borderlands 2 and we haven't even seen DLC yet. For more new info on the actual game check out BatRastered hands-on story and interview with Jeramy Cooke. Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 18, 2012
Original source.