Generations 1 Wrap-up. Exclusive Shout Out Cam Footage & Rankings. Plus more.

By goukijones — April 26, 2013
Tags: blog generations-1

Tournament Rankings. Pictures. Links to brackets. Grand Finals. IC Ruin exposed in 2001. Buttons' Haggar. VVI Grand Finals rematch MNO VS IC Suhpreme.Exclusive video from the Shout out cam -> "It's too dark Mike Ross" NerdJunkis Promo. Sponsor ads.

Gouki Las Vegas Fighting Game Rankings. Updated April 25, 2013.

Shout out cam. Thanks to PrettyMiwa for talking people into this. Thanks to everyone that gave a shout out. 
Shout out to the sponsors! Here's the exclusive ad reel made for Generations 1.
Special thanks to Budweiser Black Crown & the Black Crown girls for coming out to the tournament. Here's the girls saying what's up to the stream monsters. 
Pictures from the event. If you see yourself, please head over the Gouki Facebook page & tag your grill in the picture.
Mike Ross exposes IC Ruin way back in the early 2000's. Watch the video below & listen to his story.
IGL Buttons beats Angelic 3-0 in Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom.
Vegas Violence I Grand Finals rematch MNO VS IC Suhpreme.
Generations 1 Grand Finals.
#UMvC3 -
#SF4 -
#SFxT -
#TTTT2 -
Thanks for watching. Thank you for attending & supporting Generations at Insert Coins. Of course a very special thank you goes out to for allowing to come & do this tournament. Generations 2. Get hype!

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Gouki Box Art

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