Gouki LIVE Podcast #73 PAX EAST. Donkmania IV. Kill Sim City. Special Guest CoryO (22 Mar 2013)

By goukijones — March 24, 2013
Tags: podcast-video

GoukiJones, BatRastered, FnJimmy, and special guest CoryO talk about the disappointment of capcom at PAX east, another FGC tournament this weekend, still playing a broken game, and FnJimmy still being unwatchably bad at video games, this time in Dishonored

Shout to Cinderkin for returning to Gouki with a bunch of new stories this week. I'm playing the Sim City right now. #sadface.

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Dishonored Gouki Box Art

16 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 9, 2012

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