Gouki PAX 2012 Giveaway

By goukijones — August 29, 2012
Tags: blog pax-2012

Details on how to win some exclusive PAX SWAG from Gouki.com.

All weekend I will be posting pictures of the SWAG we are picking up at PAX.

If you would like to win some of the SWAG, all you have to do is following these rules below:

  1. Write a story on Gouki.com about PAX 2012. Tag your story on pax-2012. It can be about a game, a video, an announcement. Whatever, as long as it has to do with PAX and video games.
  2. Share your story on Twitter and include "#goukipax @goukinews" I will retweet it. And/or (for bonus points) you can post it on FaceBook, but be sure to include @Gouki.com's FaceBook page in your post.

We will select winners at random and you will be allowed to pick which item as soon as we announce you as a winner. There will be more than 1 winner. So keep writing all weekend. Thanks for being a part of Gouki.com.

Write a story about PAX to be entered. Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!


Gouki.com always gets the best SWAG.

Aug 30, 2012 by cinderkin


I know, right, Cinderkin?

other than that, Start writing up stories, everyone.

Sep 1, 2012 by Arthvader


I guess I need to make some time to write a story or two.

Sep 1, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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