Gouki September 2012 Invitational Results & Report

By goukijones — September 14, 2012
Tags: blog

Quick look back from the most recent Gouki Invitational. Super Street Fighter IV AE Champion crowned. FnJimmy sponsors Cinderkin in a FT5 $5 $MoneyMatch$ GoukiJones VS Cinderkin in UMvC3 for Redemption.

FnJimmy was the first to be eliminated! Nobody should be surprised by that. 

FnJimmy's TOUT from that night.

Gouki Champion that night.


All championships are null & void after you leave the Gouki.com offices. 

Nifff took second, followed by Choke taking third. It was a good night of Street Fighter. We also played some Marvel. But before that, FnJimmy wanted to bet $5 that Cinderkin can beat Nififf in a FT5. Here's that video.

We also did GoukiJones VS Cinderkin best 3 outta 5 matches. 2 Sets. 

Cinderkin got railed, don't know about that Ghost Rider tech.

Thank you to everyone who came and played that night. We'll be doing another invitational in October. 

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