Gouki Site Update & Jimmy of the Month Returns

By goukijones — November 18, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering

What's up with Gouki? Where is the Jimmy of the Month? All will be answered in this update. Wait that's a lie. There's still a pretty huge surprise on the way for the entire gaming community.

Don't know if you noticed or not, but we've literally tightened the site up. The homepage has been redesigned to shove our communities content down your proverbial WiFi throat.(did I use that right?) We added a featured video and that will automatically change every time I personally go live on the stream.

You can see above the featured video, there's a coming soon image, that's for a super secret amazing project we're working on. Should be launching that soon, stay tuned for that one Jimmy. Above that you got your Gouki badge, if you're logged in. If you're not logged in, you see the Jimmy of the month.

That's right Jimmy of the Month has returned. Jimmy of the Month will now be announced on the last Wednesday of the month. This is how to qualify as Jimmy of the Month, win prizes and be featured on the Gouki.com homepage.
You have created a story in the last 30 days.
Appear on the Top 10 Eligible Point Leaders for the last 30 days. The day of the drawing.

You can select any t-shirt from the GoukiGear Shop and we will ship it to you. 


You can select 2 games from our Video Game Shop.
1 of the games must be a $4.20 Special.

Good luck. Start creating, commenting and sharing. You too can be Jimmy of the Month!



sweet. Jimmy of the Month has returned. time to do I do best, and that is to support the site.

Nov 19, 2011 by Arthvader


The site just keeps growing and Jimmy of the Month stories are always interesting. With that and the Golden Reviews you guys stood out, but now with a podcast and live streams going the site is even better.

Nov 20, 2011 by dragonkiss83


Thanks for the comments guys. It means a lot to me.

Nov 20, 2011 by goukijones


I sent emails to all of my gamer friends telling them to not be Jimmys and check out Gouki. Most of them wanted to know what the hell it meant to be a Jimmy. I said, "You're a Jimmy, you Jimmy ass nuab...now check out the site." I wonder how many of them actually did.

Nov 20, 2011 by jalexbrown


Hey guys what does this mean?
Appear on the Top 10 Eligible Point Leaders for the last 30 days.
Does one have to be on that list the whole 30 days or for just 1 day?
And how does one get on this list?


Nov 20, 2011 by genxsis83


Hey Gen, Whats up? Thanks for contributing to Gouki. To appear on the appear on the Eligible Point Leaders, you just have to get points on Gouki. Writing stories, commenting, voting in the catalog.

In the last 30 days, I mean the last Wednesday of every month. So you gotta be on the top 10 that day when we have the drawing.

Nov 21, 2011 by goukijones


Ahhh icic thanks for the info ^^

Nov 22, 2011 by genxsis83


Haha that's cool. Any chance you guys wanna do some online UMvC3 today?

Nov 27, 2011 by AnthonyOgborn


very cool, i just recently found this website thanks to twitter, i'll be sure to help and contribute when i can, the website is great btw. =)

Nov 27, 2011 by Kyoakiara


Is tomorrow still the Jimmy of the Month reveal?

Nov 29, 2011 by jalexbrown


yes, yes it still is.

Nov 29, 2011 by Arthvader



Dec 21, 2011 by kof2012

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