Goukimunity Street Fighter Sunday videos 1/25/2011

By goukijones — January 25, 2011
Tags: exclusive exclusive-video goukimunity super-street-fighter-iv video

Last Sunday Cinderkin from Team Gouki put together a little friendly throwdown. Check out these videos with commentary.

FnJimmy VS Cinderkin
0:57 BatRastered VS xXMarcstaRXx
1:48 Cinderkin VS goukijones

Single Round Elimination
blazemanx VS Phresh Ghost
0:51 blazemanx VS BatRastered
2:08 Sheepsmuggler VS BatRastered
3:13 Sheepsmuggler VS FnJimmy
4:19 Sheepsmuggler VS xXMarcstaRXx

Rival Match-ups
Cinderkin VS Phresh Ghost
1:18 blazemanx VS FnJimmy
3:22 Sheepsmuggler VS Cinderkin
5:25 BatRasered VS Phresh Ghost
6:38 Phresh Ghost VS FnJimmy

Championship Rounds
Sheepsmuggler VS Cinderkin
4:11 Cinderkin VS BatRastered
7:26 Cinderkin VS goukijones
8:46 Cinderkin VS BatRastered
10:19 BatRastered VS FnJimmy

And the winner of the 1st Gouki.com Street Fighter Sunday with the most victories is FnJimmy! Congrats to him, his Gouken proved to be stronger and smarter than his oppenents that night. Number 1 in the World!

Super Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

177 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

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