Halo 4 Crawler Update. Details Revealed on Promethean Dogs.
By goukijones —
June 21, 2012
Lemme guess, shoot it in the glowing part? 343 Industries released info on a Halo 4 baddie, Promethean Crawler AKA Dog. Here's my take on this new info, along with pictures & a video. I also discuss MLG and the Holodeck being the only selling point so far.
Okay so we're going with Prometheans as the main bad guys in Halo 4. I didn't know there was this whole Mass Effect crossover thing going on. That's pretty cool. So let's talk about these "Promethean" dogs. These dogs travel in packs and can skitter up walls, trees and other terrain. 343 used the word skitter, not me. Somebody been watching too much Falling Skies. Here's a video of the dog moving around.
Yeah, whoopty do I guess. It looks good. These Jimmys have been making -well most of them- one of the top franchises in the history of video games. They better be able to program a dog.
I think there is something in the way they sensationalize this information, so we think that this is something important.
The length and the width of the dog will probably never come up in any sort of discussion about Halo 4 for the rest of my days. Well maybe now, because I'm making this reference. What I'm trying to say is, I see stuff like this and I'm not impressed. Microsoft's Press Conference impressed me when I saw the Halo 4 demo. Then just last week I saw the same demo on Jimmy Fallon. They let Jimmy play and ... it was God mode. Crawlers were blowing up a mile away, how's that damage output with that assault rifle? Needless to say, that "campaign clip" shown at E3 and on Jimmy Fallon was mostly canned.
The big question for me here is still whether or not this game will regain it's competitive aspect and appear again on MLG. Instead I keep hearing how 343 thinks they've done something amazing with the multiplayer. Why?! Because it's on a Holodeck? I've seen that before. You have got to show me some serious gameplay. 343 should give it out to some MLG pros for a week and then release a video of all the highlights. Then we'd know the truth I'm sure, one way or the other.
That's enough for right now. Fuck me, back to 50/50 on the Halo 4. Shooters are in so much trouble this year with me. Borderlands 2, the only game with a pass right now. What are you thoughts on this industry stuff? Halo 4? Dogs, oh btw they are called Crawlers. Promethean Dogs sounds way better. Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Nov 6, 2012
Original source.