Halo 4 - More with Sound Effects. Now Full-on gun sounds.
By goukijones —
October 13, 2012
Okay. I've been lying to you guys & to myself. I am hype for Halo 4. Not only is it going to prove that this console cycle is OVER! It may also be fun.
2 Years ago at PAX Team Gouki sat in the Halo 4 panel. The panel was all about the sound effects. They showed a few screen shots & a bunch of videos of themselves throwing water balloons at each other in the woods. They were recording the sound effects for Halo 4. I didn't know what the fuck I was watching. I remember that. Well it has come full circle. Take a listen to the brand new Promethean Weapons.
Can you hear the water balloon pops? Now that's PWNn!
I know Estrada is hype about BR's 7 DMR's. That's full-on Halo. Personally I'm glad that they are both in the game. That's gonna be fun. I still say Halo is getting closer & closer to COD. COD on MARS bitches.
The Covenant weapons don't do anything for me. I've seen some CG stuff with a giant Brute tho. Looking twice the size of the already giant Spartan. Seeing the hammer & the Brute shotty get me excited.
The game play looks like fun. Doesn't really look like Reach at all. I'm not thrilled about more Armor Lock & Jet Pack nonsense. I miss the blue ball of death coming out of some Spartans chest as he shot me in the grill.
So yeah, I'll be ready for this day 1. Team Gouki. UsUk WorldWide. Where you Jimmys at? It's time to PWN once again.
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Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Nov 6, 2012