"Halo Infinite" Goes Open World Campaign, Unique Bosses, Choose Your Path

By goukijones — October 25, 2021
Tags: preview

What was that trailer they showed us last year? Pretend it never happened.

The good news is, this trailer is nothing like the video they showed us last year. What we have here is pure excitement for the next installment in the Halo franchise. Watch the Brute charge full speed at you and the Master Chief just pop him in the grill with the butt of his gun. A new Elite hunter, who just has the hots for killing Spartans. He looks incredible! The over world map shows options for the Master Chief to attack and not just remain on the same path you find in a typical storyline. Something different, something interesting. Back to do whatever I can to land a few more Xbox Series X for me and the homies.

Halo Infinite | The Banished Rise

Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite MP Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Dec 8, 2021

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