"Halo Infinite" Sandwich

By goukijones — May 6, 2024
Tags: blog

Does not kill in one hit.

At that moment I had no idea such a thing existed. A sandwich was just laying on the ground and it was an item that could be picked up. Of course I had to pick it up, it didn’t matter what I was carrying, I now have a one hit kill weapon. 

Last year there was a story about a golden sandwich on a new map, Forbidden. After you enter a sequence of riddles and buttons a door would open and there would be a golden sandwich sat upon a pedestal. This sandwich I found was not golden. It did not kill in one hit. 

If you want to find the sandwich on Last Resort in Halo Infinite multiplayer; it’s underneath the canopy on the table near the base. If you come out of the left side of the base and go to the very left you will see the picnic spot. Try not to get shot. Check out the video!

Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite MP Gouki Box Art

20 Stories

Release Date: Dec 8, 2021

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