Halo Reach beta fake leaked footage

By goukijones — January 21, 2010
Tags: beta halo-reach

Leaked footage from god knows where or how showed up today about the Halo Reach beta. The Halo internets is going crazy!

Who cares whether or not this is the actual footage?! This is not taking place in my living room. I would love to have the beta now. What is the release date for the Halo Reach beta! How about you tell us that, then subject us to some half ass publicity stunt. Come on Bungie, make an official statement about something today and lets get on with our lives. Also on another Halo note, I just got the Headshot Honcho achievement in Halo 3. Come on!


This other video is another "WTF is this video" series of Halo Reach. This Jimmy breaks down frame by frame some off-screen photos of Halo Reach. I don't know if any of this stuff is real. This guy talks as if he knows exactly what is in the game.


I understand at this point its getting ridiculous. This video is just the start up screen, the title screen of Halo Reach. It says "alpha" on the screen, but still taken very seriously. Its fan made. Some Jimmy is so excited about Halo Reach that he rendered an title screen for the game.


And finally this guy breaks it all down and you won't believe it! Halo Reach if its anything like these videos show off is going to be super awesome and cool anyway. All that matters is the Halo Reach beta release date.

Crimson Relic

I saw the first video yesterday. If it is a fake, they did a damn good job on making it look legit.

Jan 21, 2010 by Crimson Relic


Where do people get the time to make all these fake videos? Especially of this quality?

Jan 22, 2010 by Vass


Yeah, and why? Oooh look, I can make a title screen!!!

Jan 22, 2010 by BatRastered


This takes the fake Street Fighter II Sheng Long photo to a wholenothalevel!

Jan 22, 2010 by goukijones


Halo is dead.

Jan 25, 2010 by choke


I have the beta now.

Jan 25, 2010 by Fnjimmy


I can almost guarantee you it's fake. You can mod the Halo 3 title screen to say halo reach on it. Notice how similar it is to the halo 3 screen. I'm 95% sure it's fake.

Jan 26, 2010 by xxkenohxx

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