Halo Reach modders fallout What happened next?
By goukijones —
October 19, 2010
A friend of mine ran into the same modders the next night. Here's the video from the modders perspective. He's flying around with complete control. Has unlimited ammo and can run really fast. Is this the end of Halo Reach?
In the new video, the modder has like a super guided jump. You can see him flying all over the place. He can also run super fast. Later in the video, the modder completely runs out of ammo and is still firing with unlimited bullets. My buddies really didn't stand a chance here, but they get a little sweet justice at the end.
This sure is a great video of an Xbox 360 that has been, what the hacking and modding crowd calls "Jtagging".
What is Jtagging?
A: Jtagging is completely taking apart your Xbox and jamming a bunch of extra computer parts onto it so you can run it through your computer. You also got to do bunch of coding or "hacking "on your pc, which I don't understand. Listen to this Jimmy with a serious lisp explain - in a complete multi-part tutorial - how to Jtag your Xbox 360.
Halo Reach modders attacked us fallout.
After I posted the modders attacked us video on youtube, the story from our site was posted on reddit.com and then Gouki.com blew up. There's something I want to make perfectly clear. I don't care about WHO modded me. I pray every night that soon, Microsoft is going to pull their head from ass and catch modders a lot faster. A year ago, if you signed into Xbox live with a Jtagged Xbox, you were banned immediately. That however, is not the case anymore. So after watching the video above, you know this all runs through the computer. The modders, I played the other night - recorded the end of the match and our conversation in the lobby. Check out the video.
The second copy of this video can been on this channel. youtube.com/nubfarm (Just wanted to get the point across, that they posted to videos.)
The modders have contacted me on Bungie.net, I think they're trying to talk shit, but I'm not sure. I gots no hard feelings ya Jimmys! It does seem like the main guy has been banned, that gamertag hasn't had a match since October 17, 2010. Like I said, I don't really care WHO modded me. My whole point with the first story is that it's obvious and I have proof that this is going to be an ongoing thing with Reach. Nobody ever stopped these Jimmys from modding on Halo 2. So just deal with it right? I didn't see anything like this on Halo 3. I had forgotten all about stuff like this. So yeah "Modders" it's all good, thanks for the videos. Just trying to let the public know, that Microsoft still doesn't have the security of their system properly taken care of. Maybe it will be better when Reach is released on the PS3 next year.
I promise this is my last story about this nonsense. Thanks to everyone for reading, commenting and sharing. Thanks for modders for uh ... I guess being cool. Don't be a Jimmy!!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 14, 2010