Help me Star Wars The Old Republic you're my only hope @E3 2010

By goukijones — June 29, 2010
Tags: e3-2010 preview star-wars-the-old-republic

Special briefing and hands on gameplay experience at E3 2010. Behind closed doors with the developers. Tons of gameplay footage.

LucasArts invited us inside they're private room on the third floor of the Los Angeles convention center to see Star Wars The Old Republic. Oh boy I could barely contain myself, I frequenting my pocket libation while waiting in line. We packed into a small room with like 30 other Jimmys. They showed the new Hope trailer, that just premiered at E3. I hope you've seen this by now. It's totally bad ass, but the game does not look like that.  

The game looks just like I remember Knights of the Old Republic. Knights of the Old Republic is one of the best RPG's ever made. I played through the game three times. Classic Star Wars good and evil decisions made the game one of the most memorable experiences ever. I expect the same from The Old Republic. Check out this press release video given to us at E3 from LucasArts. This is the combat of Star Wars The Old Republic.  

Back to the developer chat. After we watched the Hope trailer and the guy re-caped on the personal spaceships and customization options, he moved onto level progression. This is exactly what an MMO is all about. Having a bad ass dude, decked out with all this hardcore gear. The clip starts off with some lonely Jimmy barely dressed to go outside. All he has is a blaster for a weapon. The next clip, a few levels up, shows him with obvious suit upgrades and he can now shoot a little missile out of his hand. Then skip to a higher level and he has tons of armor, there's a "get over here" Scorpion style hook he shoots out and drags enemies closer. Then finally maxed out, the Jimmy is flying around, shutting down Jedi, shooting rockets from his back. Totally frickin' awesome. I only hope this game does come out before FFXIV. I still can't make up my mind.

Then we were taken to another room where BatRastered, FNJimmy and myself got some hands on time with the game. As soon I figured out how to skip the cutscenes ... oh and move, I was outside looking for a fight. Didn't take long for Jimmys to start shooting at me. I shot back. I win. I have a rocket up my sleeve. I found BatRastered out in the field, surprise FNJimmy still hasn't made it out of the town yet. I didn't know what to do, so I just followed BatRastered around shooting at people. I did get bored of it while standing there. I know that no matter what I did, it was just a taste. I didn't know what I was doing anyway. It was my first time playing Star Wars The Old Republic.  

Irrelevant. This game is on the top of my Most Wanted list.


The "Hope" trailer was so amazing, I forgot it was CG until we were walking out of the room and I realized those weren't actors in a movie... This is the future of Star Wars. After that, I realized that the game wouldn't look a thing like that as we stepped into the next room to play it. It was still cool though.

This may be the first time I seriously play a PC game since the original Doom.

Jun 29, 2010 by BatRastered


I loved lucasart presentation of both The Old Republic, and The Force Unleash 2. I have never played a PC game since Wolfenstein, but I'm looking forwad to this one I can't wait.

Jun 29, 2010 by fnjimmy


These kinda make star wars look kinda cool. Tough task.

Jul 1, 2010 by choke

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