Hold Your Breath For This Metroidvania "Pronty"

By goukijones — February 3, 2023
Tags: metroidvania preview pronty

Under The Sea

You and your buddy Bront are about to have an underwater adventure like no other. I’m serious; hold your breath. There’s massive boss battles. Epic music. And some serious claustrophobia. I love Metroidvania style games and I love the deep dive. I want to say Bioshockvania, but that is not quite what we have here. It’s more like a classic Metroid or Castlevania. It’s just everytime I have to deal with the idea of drowning in a game. I think about Bioshock. We’ll find out more when Pronty is released on Nintendo Switch March 7, 2023.


Pronty Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 8, 2021

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